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Yoga Ideas and its importance

How often you do YOGA? To live in harmony with oneself and the environment is the wish of every human. However, in modern times greater physical and emotional strains are constantly placed upon many areas of life.
The word “Yoga” originates from Sanskrit and means “to join, to unite”. Yoga exercises have a holistic effect and bring body, mind, consciousness and soul into balance. Yoga in Daily Life is a system of practice consisting of eight levels of development in the areas of physical, ment…
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Day 13 : YOGA TiME

Hello Again !!
Thirteen-th day of the community contest.
My main challenge for today was to '' DO YOGA '' Done in the morning and feeling good !!!
Yoga has many advantages and benefits. Yoga is called as relaxation techniques for the body. It also lowers blood pressure and reduces insomnia. Moreover, increases body flexibility and protects us from conditions like arthritis and back pain. Also, many people prefer yogas over exercises and it can be performed at home without paying high fees of gy…
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Hashimu avatar
Hashimu 27 Mar.


areesha avatar
areesha 28 Mar.


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Marathon beginning

Beginning of my journey and my first step full body scan. It Is amazing test. Shows you many data such as body fat mass, basal metabolic rate, intracellular and extracellular water, body balance evaluation and so much more. It's great to do this test once in a while, such a helpful tool to figure out your ideal weight! Glad I got 83 out of 100 points. According reading my body mass index 21.2 which is perfectly normal and my PBF (perccent body fat) 16.1%. PBF also within normal range, however my…
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Мой первый день

Всем доброе утро!
Всех женщин и девушек на сайте хочу поздравитьь с прекрасным праздником 8го марта!
Желаю весеннего настроения в душе, чтобы вы всегда были любимы, а главное - простого женского счастья!
Сегодня мой первый день марафона и он совпал с праздником. Начало вроде хорошее =)
Для всех опуликую полный список моих заданий:
  1. Пить достаточное количество воды
  2. Проходить каждый день минимум 10 000 шагов
  3. Проводить больше времени с детьми
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