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Эй, привет! Я вернулась.
Как дела? Давайте знакомиться, моё имя Ана. Так здорово, что у меня появилась площадка, где я могу делиться мыслями с абсолютно незнакомыми людьми! А вы чем тут занимаетесь?
Я очень люблю читать книги, готовить, радуюсь, что наконец-то наступила зима. Полистайте мой блог немного вниз, там есть девять интересных фактов обо мне. Я старалась написать что-то по-настоящему прикольное. Все эти банальные: «Я учусь там, мой рост вот столько» я не люблю. Ещё мне нравится писать т…
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MariaSokol avatar
MariaSokol 5 Нояб.

И я люблю готовить))) а какие тексты пишешь?

ptuwka avatar
ptuwka 5 Нояб.

Очень нужен рецепт печенья) Только если проверенный))

Anastasiasia avatar
Anastasiasia 6 Нояб.

Рецепт проверенный, конечно :) Как же по-другому

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"Don't be afraid of losing, be afraid of playing a game and not learning something" (Dan Heisman)

Stop Getting Frustrated on Missing a Trade

As a forex trader, one of the most frustrating feeling occur when you have planned your entry, stop loss and take profit and placed a limit order and price slowly approaching your entry point and suddenly it reverse and continue to march along in direction of your planned take profit and eventually hit it and you sit and wonder, if only my order was couple…
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In last few weeks there is high volatility in currency market and when we see such large moves we fear of missing out a trade.
"Get really impatient when price is trending and I'm afraid of missing out on a move"

That statement right there is a big one.
A quick baseball analogy. Two hitters. One goes up to bat - swings at everything that is thrown him, regardless of whether or not the pitches are hit-able. He may get 'lucky' from time to time and get a hit, but more likely he's going to stri…
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DAY 10 - Stop Getting Frustrated on Missing a Trade

As a forex trader, one of the most frustrating feeling occur when you have planned your entry, stop loss and take profit and placed a limit order and price slowly approaching your entry point and suddenly it reverse and continue to march along in direction of your planned take profit and eventually hit it and you sit and wonder, if only my order was couple of pips below/above, it would have been a super trade. Sometimes, I think missing out on a trade hurts more than a losing trade.
While some t…
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Finding A False Break Early

Here are the missing images for the "Finding A False Break Early" section:

►Finding A False Break Early

...Let's view another example of a false up-trend-line break. Here again price races back higher, immediately after the break. The Break Candle is marked with a red arrow. The Following Candle is marked with a black arrow:
Let's examine closely the Following Candle (pointed by a black arrow). It is a red candle as price continued to move lower. However, the low of this candle is higher than
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Haynes6EU avatar
Haynes6EU 20 Дек.

False Break Early but now EUR is in downtrend or not?

geula4x avatar
geula4x 20 Дек.

Yes, following FED's decision to taper QE. Happy trading :-)

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False Trend Break

Here are the missing images for the "False Trend Break" section:

► False Trend Break

Sometimes, price breaks below an up-trend-line but then reverses to move much higher. It moves back to cross the trend-line and continues upwards, in the original trend direction. This is a false trend break. Here is an example on the EUR/USD Daily chart. Price breaks below the trend-line (red arrow). Then, price reverse completely to cross the trend-line and move much higher (black arrow):

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Regular Trend Break

Here are the missing images for the "Regular Trend Break" section:

► Regular Trend Break
Usually when an up-trend-line breaks down, price will continue much lower. Price moves immediately lower, or pullbacks first to test the trend-line and then moves much lower. Here is an example of an up-trend on the EUR/USD Daily chart. The up-trend-line holds price nicely at first. This is marked with green arrows. However, at a certain point price breaks below the trend-line (red arrow). Price then contin
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Missing images in my article

I've noticed that some of the images in my published article "False Trend Break Strategy" have been missing. I'm quite sure that I previewed the article before publishing it and all the images were uploaded with it. Anyway, I will upload the missing file to my blog.
Happy trading! :-)
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