JuliaBF's Blog


Take me out! Few secrets for amazing look)))

Hello my dear Community!
We are women are very creative concerning to our appearence. We love to find out new products in order to make an amazing look. It is very important for us to have a long lasting make up but very natural at the same time. No one would like to wear the mask made of foundation! lol
So for me the most important point in make up both day and evening is skin look. I have some secrets which will help to make the skin look very smooth, bright and healthy. Actually, you can wear
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VictoriaVika avatar

Good choice, Julia, Estee Laured I like as well :) And you are beauty without cosmetic, you do not need it :) Charisma do not need any Makeup :)

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 1 Dez

Thank you Vika))))) Our gorgeus look is all about Charisma)))))

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How To Make Gemini To Fall in Love With You

Hello Community)))))
Today I'm giving you instructions for Gemini!
If your beloved is a man
All easy! Just try to outspeak him))) You should talk very fast, give him interesting facts and undeniable arguments, ask him different questions and the same time give several options of answer. Make his eyes shining and he is yours forever!
In order to get this man you should be quite smart, read a lot and be able to support any topic. Moreover it is better to be or to become a good speaker as well.
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fxsurprise8 avatar

A better question to ask is why would you want a Gemini to fall in love with you?

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 27 Nov

fxsurprise8 Different people -different preferences)))))) If someone fell in love with person and occasionally this person is Gemini he/she is already know what to do ))))))))

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How To Make Taurus To Fall In Love With You

Hello My Dear Community!
I had been absent for a while and missed you a lot!!!!!! Happy to be back in my family)))))
Hope you are fine)))))
So tonight I'm gonna continue the topic of love and will tell you how to make Taurus to fall in love with you)))))
If your beloved is a man
Man Taurus will estimate your amazing body shape and pretty face with small amount of make up. He loves nice ladies who are very feminine))
You should emphasize your best sides of body shape but not to make it too much.
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VictoriaVika avatar

Tauruses - is one of the best men for family. Their main quality is Responsibllity. Taurus will never stop to support his woman, whenever she is good or bad. Even when Taurus man divorce, he will be support ex wife and all their children till the end of his life :)

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 26 Nov

Oh Yeah!!!! I'm ready to give consultation about love)))))))))) Guys feel free to ask a consultation! LOL

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 26 Nov

Agree VV. Taurus is very nice sign for family relationships. But as you say Taurus will never stop to support his woman, whenever she is good or bad only if he is totally in love otherwise he doesn't really  care bout her...

Ninali_Smith avatar

Visit drstanleyspelltemple@hotmail.com for your solution to your relationship problem.

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How To Make Aries To Fall In Love With You

My dear friends!
Today, as promised, I will tell you how to make Aries to fall In love with you.

If your beloved one is man

Dear Ladies if you want to create a proper relationships with Aries you should be very active! You should always do you best in order to shine like a diamond among the other people and stay very socialized. If you prefer to sit at home and educate your future children this zodiacal sign is not for you as he will be bored very soon and gonna start looking for more active
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verindur avatar
verindur 18 Nov

Good luck in your love affairs !
J. xoxo
                  OMG !!!!!! How many are you expecting from me ????

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 19 Nov

Lol!!! Which is your sign verindur?

verindur avatar
verindur 19 Nov

I am above all Signs. I rule them. They don't rule me. But for your curiosity I am a Capricorn. And I have so many different things that Capricorns don't have. So really I have self-developed to a great extent to be above these signs. And anybody can do that. Its all in the Human ability. ))))))))))

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 19 Nov

Verindur I just love your life position! You are my idol!!)))

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Everyday Dose of Love))))))

Hello Community!
How are you today? I don't know which weather you have in your countries and cities but in Kiev today is very cold. We have minus in temperature and it is winter already! Brrrrrrr
In this cloudy and cold day the only thing which is warming me up is LOVE and I want to give some attention to this wonderful topic)))))
So recently I made a series of webinars about zodiacal signs and their prefferences and addictons. One of those topics was " Behavior of different zodiacal signs w
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VictoriaVika avatar

There is will be another webinar about Zodiac? This is my passion!

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 19 Nov

No VV. I hosted it already. Now decided just to make blog about this topic as it may be interesting for everyone)))))

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 19 Nov

You are right verindur!! You will get instruction what to do to make your beloved to fall in love you))) why not?? Information is the gold)

verindur avatar
verindur 19 Nov

Julia, I do posses that ability. But I am very fair too. ))))))))))))) 

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 19 Nov

No doubts verindur! Believe me)))

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Very Natural Daily Make Up LOL

Hi Community!
Nevertheless it is only Tuesday and all are very serious there you still should leave some time for fun
You know I noticed that there is no photo shooting left without Photoshop. Moreover even in daily life people start to use different photoshops for smartphones to make their look more smooth and ideal. Too smooth and too ideal I would say. Besides here in Ukraine and I'm sure in Russia is the same story most of girls are never leave their homes with no make up. They need to put
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JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 18 Nov

Maria_r  А главное вся такая натуральная!)))))

verindur avatar
verindur 18 Nov

Thanks Julia for showing this crazy side : )))))))))) All 12 zodiac signs have evaporated from my thoughts. Only this 13th Make up sign has left its mark.

VictoriaVika avatar

я сначала не поняла - думала это ты в театральном гриме, на заставке видео ))) какая правда жизни в этом видео, мама дорогая!!!

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 19 Nov

Ahahah verindur This is truth of modern life!

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 19 Nov

Да Вика... Я сама очень смеялась но против ничего и не скажешь!))

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Mental Chewing Gum. What Is This?

Hey Community))))
Hope your Monday was good and productive!
Have you ever heard the expression "Mental Chewing Gum"? I will explain you what is this.
Our brains are always working. Never stops. Even when we are relaxing we still thinking about something. It is almost impossible for modern people to switch off their thinking at least for five mins. However there are some techniques existing but about this topic I'm gonna write in another blog.

So when the person is free of work and having rest h…
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VictoriaVika avatar

!!!!!!!! what a photo!!!! in the middle of working day! :)

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 18 Nov

Ahahah))))))) verindur an VV in fact this photo reflect the main point of the meaning of Mental chewing gum))))))

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 18 Nov

verindur I also think that the picture can confirm that fact that Mental Chewing Gum can easily lead the person to obsession) lol
What do you think?

verindur avatar
verindur 18 Nov

My imagination. This girl has some secret plans full of obsession : LOL ))))))))))) 

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 19 Nov

Ahahah))) good answer!

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Never Lived Together With GF??? Must Read It Than!!!

Hey Community and Traders!
Recently I start to read men's magazins and, if to be honest, found it even more interesting than women's! Ladies you should try! There are lots and lots of interesting information)))
Besides there lots of advices for men how to deal with their girlfriends! So I gathered some interesting information for our male part of humanity and ready to give you, guys, some tutorials)))) LOL
So here in my blog you can find useful advices of what to do and how to behave in
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verindur avatar
verindur 18 Nov

I like your Emotions, Victoria : LOL !!!!!!:)))))))

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 18 Nov

Verindur we missed you a lot! WHOOHOO!!!!!!!!!! but!!! Now I feel myself bad as left your gf opportunity to move to your flat))))))

verindur avatar
verindur 18 Nov

I do realise that Julia and VV. And its very difficult for me to choose between both of you. You are like my two eyes. ( Copied from a movie )

verindur avatar
verindur 18 Nov

Actually its not very difficult for me to do all that you mentioned Julia. Perhaps I can do even more. But my comments have to be spicy : LOL : )))))))))))

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 19 Nov

Ahahah!! Verindur! I'm sure u can be the best man to live)))

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Human Character And Immunity. What Is The Connection?

Good Evening My Dear Friends!
It is time to say Goodbye to the weekend and get ready to meet a new week)))) In order to inspire you for good working mood I want to tell you some interesting facts about the connection between our characters and immunity.
Human immunity taking its health and strength from such person's character features as sense of purpose, optimism, diligence, openness and ability to forgive.
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JvdS87908 avatar

Julia ......  where did you get my picture from ?

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 17 Nov

Thats a secret information Jose! Lol

JvdS87908 avatar

Espionage tactics, no less,    LOL  :))))

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 17 Nov

Ukrainian Mafia!

JvdS87908 avatar

Not the KBG ........  that is OK .......

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Attention!!!! Five Zodiacal signs are lucky in 2015!

Hello Community!
Happy Sunday Everyone)))))) Hope your weekend is going well
I have a news for you about what to wait different zodiacal signs in 2015.
So this year gona be the Year of Green Wood Sheep and will be very lucky for Aquarius, Aries, Libra, Gemini and Leo. People who was born under these zodiacal signs will manange to do everything and to overcome any difficulties. They getting a huge fortune for the whole year. Besides their oppinions and life views may change this year probably bca
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maximemc8 avatar

Aquarius forever!!!!

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