Hi Community!
Nevertheless it is only Tuesday and all are very serious there you still should leave some time for fun

You know I noticed that there is no photo shooting left without Photoshop. Moreover even in daily life people start to use different photoshops for smartphones to make their look more smooth and ideal. Too smooth and too ideal I would say. Besides here in Ukraine and I'm sure in Russia is the same story most of girls are never leave their homes with no make up. They need to put a lot of cosmetics in order to make a natural look!! That's Paradox to make a strong make up in order to look very natural ! Don't you think so?? And after all these efforts they also makes photoshop to their pictures in order to look even more natural!! Lol

I offer you to see this video with natural make up tutorials. It is about how our girls makes a very natural look))) hahaha

Warm hello from Ukraine

P.S. Unfortunately this video in Russian language but the main point is understandable without words)))))
Enjoy watching!



Cheers J.
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