Hey Community and Traders!

Recently I start to read men's magazins and, if to be honest, found it even more interesting than women's! Ladies you should try! There are lots and lots of interesting information)))
Besides there lots of advices for men how to deal with their girlfriends! So I gathered some interesting information for our male part of humanity and ready to give you, guys, some tutorials)))) LOL

So here in my blog you can find useful advices of what to do and how to behave in order to make your life easier when you start to live together with your beloved one:
  • Never rummage in her personal stuff and don't make any fightings if she does it with your stuff. One may say that this is descrimination for gender sign but this is life guys and you can do nothing about this! LOL Of course, if you got a smart and intelligent lady, she would never behave like that but, unfortunately, there is not all girls as nice as we are in Dukascopy Community
  • Don't keep any fatty and sweet foods in your fridge while she is on diet. If you want to eat something tasty during this awful for both of you time than better go to restaurant and don't tell her anything. This advice can save your health and nervous system))
  • Buy King Size Bed. Scientists found out that small space during sleeping can lead to subconscious fightings between the couple and therefore screw up relationships in general.
  • At first try not to stay at home all the time next to her. Even if you really want to be with her all the time you should leave her home alone at least for few hours per day.. All of us both men and women need to have their own spece at least sometimes. So no pushing!))) Besides if you don't want to have any troubles and arguments with your girlfriend in future when you want to spend some time with your friends you should accustom her to this things from the very beginning.
  • Don't make her ask the money all the time. This is unique process and can be irritating for both of you. It is better to sort out this question at first and make a deal where and how much you will leave her the money for different spendings.
  • Don't whatch porn while she is at home. You can do it together with her or not to do it at all. If she is hot enough she will like the idea to make this kind of fun together but if she catch you doing it by yourself it will reduce her self confident a lot.
  • Don't make love by shedule. It is huge mistake of most couples and can lead to the spitting up very soon as one of you will get bored and gonna try to find some fun aside.
  • Never use the word "mine" if you live at your place and word "yours" if you live at her place. Now you are proper couple your favorite word should be "OUR"))
  • Don't grumble because of the mess. She is not your cleaning lady and not obliged to clean the house every time you grumble. You should keep the order together.
What do you think guys? Easy right? Few changes in your habbits and you are happiest person ever with her beloved one!
Wish you good luck and don't forget: no pushings as life is about having fun!)))

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