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To Watch Or Not To Watch??

Hey there again))
I would like to talk with you guys about such delicate topic as watching porn. You know, that there is a real problem appears among teenagers and it called porn watching addiction. Since it came out all people and especially women start to think that it is really bad idea to watch this kind of movie and especially let it appear sometimes in their private life.
However, scientist did a big study about this topic and proved that watching porn from time to time (not too much) is e
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anna_t avatar
anna_t 1 Apr.

я не против)

atasoy avatar
atasoy 1 Apr.


demovslive avatar

i like it lol

maximemc8 avatar

I never watch porn by myself, i rather prefer to have a good sex session with my love, even when im away from her, im trying to be patient even if its not always easy.... if i would do it, i would do it with my second half to put some spice in the sexual life of our couple.

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2 Apr.

Good life position maximemc8

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Energy Exchanging

Hey Guys!
Now I want to talk a bit about the exchanging of energy between man and woman. In fact, as soon as you understand this process it is easy to see the answers for many questions. For exampe, why there is always a woman behind every successful man or why man can be so dependable on woman. .
It is all about our women's energy you, men are not able to live without!
So, lets start))
According to Tantra when man and woman meet each other, they joyning their energies. Since that moment the pro…
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JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 3 Apr.

speculo_ergo_sum Why hormone? You don't believe in energies between men and women?

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

I believe only in the forms of energies described by physics:)

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 4 Apr.

)))))))))))))))) bad for you

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

see, I am a materialist:))))))))))))))

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 4 Apr.

Oh yeah speculo! Proper one I would say))))

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Hey Gents! There Is Some News For You))

Hey Again !
I have some interesting information for YOU MEN to think over before going to sleep))
Did you know that a woman need only 45 seconds to estimate the man whom she meet the first time in her life??
That is true!
The group of psychologist made a long research including women questionary and defined this undeniable fact!
So this 45 seconds are enough for getting full profile of man. Here 10 seconds are for getting general impression about his body, 8 seconds are for estimating his eyes, …
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maximemc8 avatar

verindur , i didn't understand you at all :)

verindur avatar
verindur 1 Apr.


speculo_ergo_sum avatar

the girl is rather cute, but obviously she is from the land of Brobdingnag :)))))))))))

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

it is very useful info though -- both might agree to end the date on the 46th second

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 3 Apr.

lol speculo_ergo_sum!!!!!!! Good option for both! You want, you don't want! End of story))

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Attention!! Be Careful While Flirting! :))

Happy Friday Community!
How are you today? Weekend is nearly here! All happy I hope?
What about a minute of humor for lunch time?
Dear Gents are you sure that you know how to flirt with girls in aright way?? You know sometimes your way to flirt have to be suitable for circumstances)) LOL
Besides, you don't know the reaction of girl you want)) May be she can be too shy to answer to your actions in the same way. Or to aggressive instead or too pushing)))) You have to take everything into account d…
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What Is Love?

Good Morning Community!
Happy Wednesday))) They say that as the Wednesday is the middle of the week we can call it small Friday)))) Funny, no? I am still in bad enjoying nice view and thinking about human feelings. You know people can feel lots of emotions at the same time, even contradictory. . I always impressed how people can love and hate at the same time. I think I can't. I am able only to love)))))))) At least I believe in it)) LOL
What is Love?
Can someone to give the proper answer to thi
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JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 13 Mar.

Yes it is true)

JockPippin avatar
JockPippin 13 Mar.

Yes you got to work in all relationships even friends .You get what you give :) .

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 19 Mar.

exaclty !! lots of efforts and compromise.... even if i don't do same compromises in friendship than love... i am less patient with friends.....

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 19 Mar.

Anyway love relationships are more important than friendship. Always.

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 19 Mar.

of course :)))

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Why We Are Arguing For? . .

Good evening Community...)
My question of the day today is why we are arguing for with our second half? I was looking for the answer all day long and you know what? I think I found the answer ))
There are two option exist:
  1. You both are completely not suits to each other. You have different life views, life styles, life directions and so on (which, I hope, not about none of us)
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JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 23 Feb.

LOL maximemc8 I will keep it in secret))

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 24 Feb.

there is no secret possible in this blog.....

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 24 Feb.

as you recently said in your hand bag task... no secret for us :ppppp

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 24 Feb.

AAAARRRRR maximemc8 The tongue is my enemy))

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 25 Feb.


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The Importance To Keep Your Own Space

Hey Community!
How are you doing? How is your Wednesday going?
Have you ever met the situation when people around just don't let you stay by your own even for 30 seconds? Everyone needs you right here and right now. Sounds awful? Or not? As for me I never let anyone to sit on my shoulders. To have your own space everywhere you are and any time you want is extremely important for human body and mind. When you can stay alone for sometime and don't feel uncomfortable it means you are self confident
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JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 11 Feb.

Ohhh verindur I was sure))))))))

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 12 Feb.

JuliaBF, it is true but everyone have their own right to decide what they wants from themselves.... for myself, i am always ready to hear and take advises even if at the end i do from my own decision.

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 12 Feb.

maximemc8 I like your position)))) If to be honest i have problems sometimes to take someone's advises but I'm working on it))))))

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 12 Feb.

we are not perfect :) but you seems to be very close to perfection my dear!

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 12 Feb.

ufffff my cheeks start to be blushed)) merci))

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Typical Women's Mistakes

Good Evening Community!
Tonight I would like to talk a bit about relationships between men and women. You know my friend -girls, who are not in couple yet, are complaining very often that they can't build proper relationships as guys leaving them in one months maximum. Some of them are leaving without any explanation. Just disappear and end of story(((( This is sad. Hoverer, I think that nothing can happen without reason. If the guy is leaving almost straight away and he is not the first
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verindur avatar
verindur 31 Jan.

I know what you are saying Julia. Just provoking you a little. Actually you are talking about relationships. But I am twisting your topic and draging it towards Universal Love. )))))))) They are different subjects altogether.

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 31 Jan.

aaahhh verindur. There is a difference but still here a lot of common things between those two subjects))))

maximemc8 avatar

Thank you JuliaBF, i wish you all the best as well and love !!!!!

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2 Feb.

Thank you maximemc8))

maximemc8 avatar

your welcome!

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