Good Morning Community!
Happy Wednesday))) They say that as the Wednesday is the middle of the week we can call it small Friday)))) Funny, no? I am still in bad enjoying nice view and thinking about human feelings. You know people can feel lots of emotions at the same time, even contradictory. . I always impressed how people can love and hate at the same time. I think I can't. I am able only to love)))))))) At least I believe in it)) LOL
What is Love?
Can someone to give the proper answer to this question?
I think that the meaning of this word is very individual for everyone.
As for me, this feeling is coming with the time. I never could to fall in love at the first sight. By the way, I don't believe in truthfulness of such quick feeling. I fall in love with the personality of man, with his attitude to me. I need to mean a lot for my second half and be always number one for him. Of course, to love him I have to respect him and need him in every moment of my life. I believe in strong and real love but to get this feeling and build a proper relationships is a work of two people. The most important thing for me is understanding between two and ability to talk to each other.
And what is love for you?

With love J. xoxo
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