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In order to succeed in this business, we have to keep our ego & emotions aside and then analyze charts and we will see it from different perspective. It doesn't matter whether we missed a trade or win or lose. Observe price action, make your notes and prepare yourself for the next opportunity. Study every day with the aim of being better today than you were yesterday.
Analyze each setup based on risk to reward ratio and give no emphasis to pips earned etc. For example if I take a 1 Minute time f…
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
lubZostaw komentarz


Скоро наступит Новый 2016 год. Это значит, что время подвести итоги, осознать многое и сделать какие-то выводы.
Для того, чтобы войти в Новый год и начать свою жизнь заново, то ли просто что-то осознать, принять или не переживать о чем-то.
Вы готовы для этого??
Готовы ли вы посмотреть на результаты своей работы или своей жизни в 2015 году и реально оценить, все как есть???
Иногда бывает это сделать сложно или не хочется, но это делать нужно. Нужно чаще анализировать свою жизнь и свои дейс…
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Olga18375 avatar

ну нужно только планировать конкретнее

Alivio avatar
Alivio 10 Gru

быстро прошел год, а так мало успел сделать.
главное понял в чем причина.
только трудно изменится.

Olga18375 avatar

я стала замечать, что время быстро летит, не знаю почему.. Измениться не трудно, тут все от силы воли и намерения

Alivio avatar
Alivio 10 Gru

в психологии считается время не ощущается в молодости и в старости)
я бы предпочел вернуться в без заботное детство)

Olga18375 avatar

кстати в детстве казалось, что у нас столько времени и в юности казалось. А это все обман))) раньше поймешь, больше получишь

lubZostaw komentarz


Обычное общение с помощью переписки не всегда может точно передать настроение,
или наоборот, описать эмоции достаточно трудно, и тогда мы все используем смайл))
Смайлы прочно вошли в мобильное общение, они абсолютно необходимая вещь)
Самым первым человеком, заявившем о том, что необходимо создать какие-либо графические символы для выражения эмоций был писатель Владимир Набоков в далеком 1969 году.
А ученый Скотт Фалман предположил в переписке использовать знаки " :-) " и " :-( ".
Но "желтый коло…
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Helena_Prekrasnaj avatar

Milian да))немного трудно выговаривать))

bohdan94 avatar
bohdan94 23 Kwi

одно из самых полезных изобретений по-моему)

Ninnell avatar
Ninnell 27 Kwi

сколько усилий для такой теперь обычной вещи))

Marina12 avatar

как алфавит в школе учить уже пора)

EXclusion avatar

долгий путь прошел "эмотикон")

lubZostaw komentarz

Nature gave the woman a wonderful opportunity - BE DEFFERENT

[i][i][i]Nature gave the woman a wonderful opportunity - be different.
It's probably not even the possibility, and the property.
(More photos here)

Today we have a huge selection of clothes that emphasize the individuality of each woman. And besides, we can use make-up every day and be different. It is worth noting that every woman can change herself from a gentle kitten and to passionate tigress.
I can be Strong and Timid

In my life there are different…
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ANABEVZ avatar

ceasar87 Réponses intéressantes) Mais sans doute plusieurs à cette question, nous avons

ceasar87 avatar
ceasar87 22 Paź

je crains de ne pas comprendre

ANABEVZ avatar

ceasar87 moi ou répondre à la question?)

ceasar87 avatar
ceasar87 22 Paź

ANABEVZ non, je parle de la réponse

ANABEVZ avatar

ceasar87 Tout à l'heure, vous connaissez la réponse plus tard.

lubZostaw komentarz

My emotions )))

Happiness, anger, envy, surprise, flirt and fear )))
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Anna_Konoplyastaya avatar

ахахах. прикольная)

lubZostaw komentarz

And we are continuing with our emotional control. Step.Number2

The second method "Private place of comfort!"
I am sure that many of those who are reading this material, once in their lifes tried to meditate.
Meditation is a state of complete rest, when all thoughts placed on shelves and the concentration level is at the maximum.
When you are overwhelmed by sudden emotions of a negative character, one of the options to prevent them, it mentally to be in that place where you feel, 100% comfortable.
Remember how the movie characters in a difficult situations…
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JungaBunga avatar

Tell me please your place of safe))

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 17 Mar

there is two places. its nature, and my future family when we all love and support each other.

Mariia avatar
Mariia 17 Mar

I have this place too....I need visit it often....maybe a little rest will be good

JulianaJ avatar
JulianaJ 18 Mar

mm it was interesting to read, i need to think about my safe place

Convallium avatar


lubZostaw komentarz

Be flexible. Step. Number. 1

Be flexible. Once you have ceased to be flexible - you're dead. Be flexible.
It is forged from metal and absolutely inflexible rule.
The most flexible element gradually becomes controlling the system.

Sicilian proverb
The most beautiful thing in our life is our emotions. We have all kinds of them, both negative and positive.
But we wanted to bring to our life only good emotions! So on next 5 days i will bring to you 5 fast ways how to
control your emotions here and right now.

And ill start …
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
JulianaJ avatar
JulianaJ 12 Mar

Interesting article, thank you Alexana. I will be wait for others steps.

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 12 Mar

Thank you, JulianaJ. :) Im thinking about posting next step tomorrow or after tomorrow.

Konstantin5 avatar

good information

lubZostaw komentarz

Discipline is essential in the trading

We always start the month with great enthusiasm, but after the first week we get the first disappointments and these are hard that we condition throughout the month.I am a very positive person and I think that these errors are necessary in our learning to become a professional trader.
And long time ago that I was aware of that which separates us from the success is discipline, that although we have a good trading system are unable to be disciplined for that do not control our emotions, about wh…
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alincik avatar
alincik 9 Mar

yes, you are right, discipline and a good trading strategy are important for a trader :)

lubZostaw komentarz

“Dilemma followed by Regrets – Any solutions?”

Hello All,
As we know that the contest result for Dec 2013 is out, I would like to especially congratulate the winners, and say good luck to all the
rest of the contestants.
Today’s topic I wanted to discuss about is “Dilemma followed by Regrets – Any solutions?”
I am sure that all of you have experienced this situation one time or the other. Some of you may even have overcome it. But at the same time, there may be many out there who are still left out with nothing but to wonder about…
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
jezz avatar
jezz 8 Sty

Do not try to lose more than you can afford... that includes money as well as emotions... competition is not the same. Otherwise, if the market is going really for you, just set the SL above the price you bought so to guarantee a profit (not possible in trader contest)

Daytrader21 avatar

Part of the solution has already been given out by you. What I can add to your valuable advice is that most often if you can't hold your position after it has gone in your direction is partially because your type of personality want instant gratification and you most likely are better off if you're doing short term trending rather than long term trading. Secondly one way to shift the odds in your favor is by knowing the market microstructure that you're trading, this gives you the advantage to make a better judgement if the move is genuine or not.

A15612P avatar
A15612P 9 Sty


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