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NFP - Moment of Truth for US Dollar

Today is the most awaited Non Farm Payroll data release since the Fed start tapering and cut back the quantitative easing programme. Although Fed decided to do a small tapering and only cutting back their stimulus programs by a minor 10B, Ben Bernanke has said during the press conference that any further cut in QE is data depending and "end of QE certainly won't be at mid-year" suggesting that it will take longer before they will end the QE programme for good.
The market consensus for today's …
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jezz avatar
jezz 10 Jan.

as usual... you really make an effort in making your posts. really good

Daytrader21 avatar

Thanks Jezz, just trying do to my best here

FxMidaso avatar
FxMidaso 11 Jan.

Great post. Thanks for your support in my article.

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FOMC - The Big Day

Probably today is the most important day before the year end. And like the last meeting from September there are growing bets that the Fed will start cutting back from their QE programme and move away from his easing cycle. It seems that the most they agree with something, and here I'm speaking about the tapering, the higher the probability it will not happen.
And if you think that's easy, timing when the Fed will start tapering, just think again, only recently we saw FED unexpectedly refrained
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very nice

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Ben Bernanke Legacy

Ben Bernanke Legacy
With exactly one week to go before the next FOMC announcement, the two most important considerations for the Federal Reserve should be the outlook for the economy and the potential reaction in the financial markets. However there is one additional factor that could affect their decision to taper or not taper before the end of the year and that is Bernanke’s legacy. There is no question in our minds that the man who has served as the head of the U.S. central bank for the pas…
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What To Expect From Ben Bernanke?

US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's semi-annual testimony on monetary policy before the Congress is one of the key market-moving events. Especially this time, it will be Bernanke’s last time in front of Congress before his term ends in 2014. Bernanke heads to Capitol Hill on Wednesday and Thursday, first going up to the House Financial Services Committee to deliver the semi-annual monetary policy report, and the next day heading to the Senate Banking Committee. Now, the markets have…
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Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 16 July

this official repeatedly misled the markets, it is better to refrain from trade during his performance

mag avatar
mag 17 July

You're absolutely right. Send a confusing message.
My experience tells me that it is better to wait to rule and see the trend of the market.

annatimone avatar
annatimone 17 July

Absolutely! Bernanke is being diplomatic and playing “safe” with his comments. About two months ago he said that Federal Reserve will end bond buying program by Fall months or by the end of the year. On July 10th he said that bond buying program will not end until we have some positive economic data and interests rates will not go up automatically when unemployment comes down to 6.5% mark. Bernanke is a smart and experience man. I think he definitely knows what he is doing, which is creating volatility in the market to keep stock prices up…..and of course, protecting himself.

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