Iulia_julia's Blog


The myths of china

Last 3 years I live in China, and I would love to say some myths which we think is true.
1) All Chinese people are thin
chinese people love to eat. For now Chinese people have a special treatment for lunch. It goes around 2 hours. And for this time , kinda all kinds are stoping : first they are eating , and then to sleep. They are eating a lot, so the problem with obesity Chinese people have
2) Male is more important then female
About patriarchy all depends from location. Before if girl was preg…
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Peace, Love and Bikinis

Before say about how many swimming suits I have or which tips, or how to choose it. I want to share a story how I took this picture. Actually, I choose to post a picture which I took 2 years ago , because for now this is my favorite swimming suit, this is my best picture in it , and I had an amazing story with this picture. I was study my first year in china, and on my summer vacation I went to city, which is close to mine and have the Yellow Sea . For me if you are going to a city which have th…
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Yousefsafar avatar

Amazing love

Yousefsafar avatar

I love this picture a lot my love

Yousefsafar avatar

Love it

billreid avatar

Iulia_julia:  Thank you for being my Dukacopy friend.  China is fortunate to have you there.

Iulia_julia avatar

Thank you

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Tomato soup

Today I want to share one of my favorite recipe of soup .
•bouillon from chicken -1,8 liters
•onion 3
•garlic 2 clove
•spicy pepper 1
•tomato 2 big
•basil 80gram
•frozen seafood
• salt on your taste
How to cook:
1) clean onion, cut it on cubes , put it in fried pan with olive oil , and fried till light brown color.
2)tomato put in hot water, and take off skin, cut it so small. After it put it to onion and stew it 3 minutes.
3) garlic cut small and put it in fried pan
4) put in fried …
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From childhood we begin dreaming about something . Someone want to have a dog ,because parents against , someone want to be a superhero or a famous singer. Maybe in your childhood you was dreaming to see your idol . From childhood we don’t stop dreaming , just our dreams grow up with us. We begin dreaming about more real stuff, to have a good job or open business, buy new car or win lottery, to be Miss Dukascopy. I think we shouldn’t stop dreaming about something unreal, or make us go back to ch…
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Ibrahim9494 avatar

Be an cardiovascular surgery at turkey. This is my dreams. I hope i will do this :)

Iulia_julia avatar

I am sure you can be, if you will study ...

sahraoui67 avatar

My dream is to make profits from Forex

Iulia_julia avatar

Wow, that’s nice dream . Wish you good luck

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What is love?

What is love ?
love can be for friend , or your favorite kind of food , or for coffee or for a man who you see every morning in your window . Love is one of reasons why you wake up at morning and can't wait to see it , or taste it. I can say love is reason to live. My love is coffee . I cant wait to drink it . But, of course it’s not just one thing which I love, I love feeling when you are sitting and looking at the window , outside is rainy and in your hand cup of hot chocolate. It calm me dow…
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jtrader25 avatar

good one :) nice

Iulia_julia avatar

Thank you

sahraoui67 avatar

great talk

karl12 avatar
karl12 3 Giu

Nice post.

Iulia_julia avatar

Thanks to all of you, I am really appreciate to see that people like it

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Life-changing experience

s.I could say my life totally changed, after I went to china. I was a 17 years girl. I didn’t know Chinese and my English wasn’t that good. I didn’t know Is it really happening with me? What did change my life?
Decision to continue my study after school somewhere abroad. I am totally shy person, never left my home to go for any of trips without parents.
I don’t know where I found power to say yes to change my life.
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Dominator1974 avatar

Можно вопрос а на кого ты учишься в Китае?

Iulia_julia avatar

Моя профессия  международная экономика и торговля

Dominator1974 avatar

Круто!!!!,как давно торгуешь на биржи?и почему этим делом занялась?,ведь по сути ты профессиональный маркетолог в глобальном смысле,щяз больше зарабатывают на рекламе.

Iulia_julia avatar

Я не торгую на бирже

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I'm wearing #sunglasses

I posted it in my Instagram
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Gannochka avatar

please add screen shot to this task

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