Last 3 years I live in China, and I would love to say some myths which we think is true.
1) All Chinese people are thin
chinese people love to eat. For now Chinese people have a special treatment for lunch. It goes around 2 hours. And for this time , kinda all kinds are stoping : first they are eating , and then to sleep. They are eating a lot, so the problem with obesity Chinese people have
2) Male is more important then female
About patriarchy all depends from location. Before if girl was pregnant with the girl , she did abortion. Now on china you can’t know the sex of your future child.
3) feng shui
feng shui- we all tried to make our houses. It’s when you have a “ good” and “ bad “ corners, in which part of room better to put a bed, or a cupboard. But here is one problem : china doesn’t have feng shui. There is no teaching like this, they just have attitude, from childhood. From so small age, they know how to make house cormfortably abd which talisman to use to be happy abd healthy.
4) medicine
evetyone say: Chinese medicine one of the best. But I had a luck to try it all on myself. When you go to hospital. They just tell you drink a lot hot water, doesn’t matter you are ill , you broke your leg or have problem with heart.
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