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A debt ceiling solution is coming, here is when

Get used to more weeks like this, the fight over US debt will be a long, bitter struggle. As I write this article, it looks like there may be a short term deal to raise the debt ceiling this weekend avoiding financial catastrophe for the time being. A bigger deal is supposedly being negotiated however this row has been on-going for more than two years and so I am skeptical of any grand bargain.
The longer and more bitter the dispute becomes the more difficult it is for either side to eventuall…
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mag avatar
mag 13 Oct.

yes, M.D.will indulge, is especulation.

mag avatar
mag 13 Oct.

I agree with all article

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New proposed debt ceiling limit, Nov 22

There is a tentative report/rumor that Boehner told Republicans they would extend the debt ceiling until November 22nd. It doesn’t sound like this will include anything about a continuing resolution to re-open the government. Rather, they’re looking for ‘broader talks’ on the budget.
If I had to lean out, I’d say that this is it. All the good news is priced in now. The risk is that the market turns on the short-term nature of the hike, combined with the lack of progress on the government shut…
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