semperaugustus's Blog


Strategies are tragedies

Learning the craft of trading also means: setting aside all things that give you false hope. In my blog Leaching other people's hope i make a promise to give back Pandora's box to those who trade without succes and thereby subsidize my wins. But before giving hope back, i need to be sure that this hope has the potential to become reality. So in this blog i'm going to destroy hope in winning strategies. Reason: they do not exist.
Now before you empty your Kalashnikov on me, please read on. I'm no…
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VictoriaVika avatar


JockPippin avatar

A murmuration of Starlings  to be precise lol .

semperaugustus avatar


JockPippin avatar

Yes a murmuration is the collective noun . Like a flock of sheep or a herd of cows .A murder of crows . A gaggle of geese . A kindle of kittens haha.  YES  I'm that type of sad !! . LOL .

semperaugustus avatar

Thanks. Hope i'll remember that. I'll tell the starlings as well, cause i'm pretty sure they are not aware of the fact that they are a murmuration and not just a bunch of birds.

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Do not use indicators

That is a way of entering a room full of traders: "Do not use indicators". One thing's for sure: discussion. As i promised to give back Pandora's box to traders who find it hard to win substantially, this is lesson 4: do not use indicators!
I have nothing against these things, in fact i use one myself (MACD), but when learning how to trade with profit, they sort of blind you with promises they never keep. Like a second hand car salesman: you know he's going to screw you, and still you buy that c…
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JockPippin avatar

Yes all based on past action and cloud judgement . Keep it simple !! .

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Discipline is the road to success

In my last blog about trading, i urged traders to ignore personal motives when opening a trade. This concerned emotions like greed, eagerness, fear or doubt. Ignore your feelings, do not feel! was the message.
In this blog it's getting even worse.
Now i will strongly advise you to ignore more feelings. Feelings of resistance, feelings of joy, feelings of boredom and feelings of haste or pressure. Do not feel! is again the message. Befehl ist befehl is the message here.
Who's befehl
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semperaugustus avatar

Thanks ladies.

VictoriaVika avatar

Totally agree Semper, good point :)

bharatholsa avatar

Love your write-ups ))

semperaugustus avatar


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Trade without personal motives

Ignoring our personal motives is just about the most dificult task life can give us. From breathing to peeing, from having sex to committing murder, it is all about personal motives. Now i don't care why you breathe, pee, fuck or kill, but i do care why you open a trade, because i promised to teach about trading.
Motives to lignore
In my humble opinion key to succes is data. With embracing data as key, we have to rule out all other input that is not data. I mean stupid things like: "this posi
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VictoriaVika avatar

Very good blog

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How to learn trading (1/1)

Of course, before you start learning anything in practice, you study the theory. For that, there is no better school in the web than the one published at . That's a good start. Once you've done that, you're welcome in my virtual class room.
Knowing the jargon and the facts, does not make you a trader. At least not a winning trader. What else does NOT make one a winni…
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bharatholsa avatar

Very well written !!

semperaugustus avatar


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