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Отсортировано по тагам:  Syria

USD/JPY opens higher then backs off

Weekend missile strike on Syria hasn't led to much volatility in risk assets. USD/JPY actually gapped higher but then turned lower in the following hours. 106.75 - 107 is the initial support for this pair and 107.75 - 108 the resistance. U.S. retail sales is the event to keep an eye on today's calendar.
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USD/JPY poised to extend gains, barring any shocks

It appears that the tide has turned in USD/JPY. While the pair is likely to fall further over the longer-term, shorter-term path of least resistance is to the upside. However, there are several themes going on (trade wars, Syria, increased stock market volatility), that have potential to escalate quickly, and lead to a substantial leg to the downside.
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USD/CAD broke below 200 DMA

U.S. inflation report came in solid yesterday, FOMC Minutes were hawkish. Headlines regarding military intervention in Syria, however, have kept risk assets contained, as have renewed trade concerns. Canadian dollar is one exception, had a great week so far. USD/CAD fell about 270 pips (high to low) but momentum appears to be easing into 1.25 support. Broken 200 DMA should now act as an initial resistance.
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French President I no longer view Assad’s removal as a precondition for anything, since I don’t see anyone who could become his legitimate successor

French President Emmanuel Macron signals the abandonment of regime change policy saying removal of President Assad from power is no longer France's "priority" which will focus on working with Russia to defeat Jihadi terrorism instead.
Newly elected French President Emmanuel Macron is the first Western leader to reflect the changed political realities in Syria caused by the recent advances of the Syrian army.
Specifically, Macron has confirmed that removing President Assad from power can no longe…
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Trump Approves Arming Kurds in Syria Over Turkish Objections

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The Adventures of a Greedy Stupid Novice Trader 07/04//2017

To be honest,
I am not really motivated this month to trade... Still feeling beaten from last month...so much work and nothing to show..ugh...
But that's life.
Greed got the better of me.
Won some prizes and I LoST IT ALL! mostly on the NFP News last month....Meh...
So i deleted my sign in info! For this year collect as many prizes and email support for sign in info next year!
That was the purpose of this blog, so yeah...
But lets look at the performance:
The peso is at this moment down.
I set a…
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Hello Dear Friends
I am not feeling good recently my country will be the home of Chemical Weapons of Syria, it is not fair...The protests are growing every day in different part of the world...Italy,Usa,Kosovo ...
We want to save our country, our lives, our air, our future...by saying NO with our breath ...
The is an open letter directed to President Obama by a simple girl name Armela Bega , read what she writes "
Dear President Obama
I am a deeply concerned citizen of Albania, who like millions
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Erialda avatar
Erialda 15 Нояб.

I dont want to speculate and increase panic , i think to let this to the future....i hope that referendum will give solution to this situation ...

stane2405 avatar
stane2405 15 Нояб.

my best wishes

CriticalSection avatar
CriticalSection 26 Нояб.

well done to Albanians worldwide who took to the streets and online to voice their strong opposition to allowing their country to be used as a dumping ground for the poison conceived by evil minds. The outcome shows the international community that Albania will not compromise its principles for the sake of appeasing the powerful architects of global chaos and instability.

shanziester avatar
shanziester 2 Дек.

inhumane activities. some people should be ashamed to be part of this world .

stane2405 avatar
stane2405 3 Дек.

money makes the world go round...

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Hello Friends ...
As everyone loves his country and wants to protect it , i am doing the same by posting this blog...
All Albanian public opinion is very concerned and angry by the decision of USA ....and yesterday we protested in Tirana, in Kosovo and even to White House ...
The prospect of Syria's chemical weapons being dismantled in Albania caused protests in the capital Tirana on Tuesday, exposing a rare dent in the NATO member's loyalty to the United States.Hundreds protested in front of t…
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Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 13 Нояб.

You can say no to them but if Americans want to invade - they will. Their presence in this region is important for their aggressive geo-political doctrine. Their hand is also felt in the Baltics.

CriticalSection avatar
CriticalSection 13 Нояб.

Who needs CNN? - this is top information Eri, I'll read more around what is going on and exactly what role various actors are playing. The long arm of Washington, NATO and the CFR knows no bounds, be proud and brave there.

Erialda avatar
Erialda 13 Нояб.

Lol Critical may be i should apply for CNN reporter, i did the role of journalist once upon a time ...may be they will hire me soon ...;) Thank you my friend :))

Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 13 Нояб.

мне откровенно не понятны все эти громкие политические заявления))....

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How Will the Syria Conflict Affect the Markets?

How Will the Syria Conflict Affect the Markets? Without a doubt, the situation in Syria is having an effect on the markets. Specifically, the threat of a US military intervention is affecting the price of oil in particular. For example, oil prices have slowly increased in price since the US government made it known that a military strike on Syria is likely to occur. Syria’s Effect on the Price of Oil While Syria produces a modest amount of oil at approximately 180,000 barrels per day, the count…
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Haynes6EU avatar
Haynes6EU 10 Сент.

Syria is headline this week

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Syria continues to dominate. Where do we stand now?

United Nations: The inspection team has now arrived on site in Syria after 2 days of delays. Bank Ki-Moon says inspection team “needs time to do its job” in Syria. Whether the US, UK and France will wait for their findings remains to be seen. UN envoy Brahimi says international law is clear that UN Security Council resolution is needed for military action. That hasn’t exactly stopped it previously has it? Also, a UN nuclear watchdog report says Iran has expanded its uranium enrichment program a…
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