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Hello Dear Friends
I am not feeling good recently my country will be the home of Chemical Weapons of Syria, it is not fair...The protests are growing every day in different part of the world...Italy,Usa,Kosovo ...
We want to save our country, our lives, our air, our saying NO with our breath ...
The is an open letter directed to President Obama by a simple girl name Armela Bega , read what she writes "
Dear President Obama
I am a deeply concerned citizen of Albania, who like millions
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Erialda avatar
Erialda 15 Nov.

I dont want to speculate and increase panic , i think to let this to the future....i hope that referendum will give solution to this situation ...

stane2405 avatar
stane2405 15 Nov.

my best wishes

CriticalSection avatar

well done to Albanians worldwide who took to the streets and online to voice their strong opposition to allowing their country to be used as a dumping ground for the poison conceived by evil minds. The outcome shows the international community that Albania will not compromise its principles for the sake of appeasing the powerful architects of global chaos and instability.

shanziester avatar

inhumane activities. some people should be ashamed to be part of this world .

stane2405 avatar

money makes the world go round...

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Hello Friends ...
As everyone loves his country and wants to protect it , i am doing the same by posting this blog...
All Albanian public opinion is very concerned and angry by the decision of USA ....and yesterday we protested in Tirana, in Kosovo and even to White House ...
The prospect of Syria's chemical weapons being dismantled in Albania caused protests in the capital Tirana on Tuesday, exposing a rare dent in the NATO member's loyalty to the United States.Hundreds protested in front of t…
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Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 13 Nov.

You can say no to them but if Americans want to invade - they will. Their presence in this region is important for their aggressive geo-political doctrine. Their hand is also felt in the Baltics.

CriticalSection avatar

Who needs CNN? - this is top information Eri, I'll read more around what is going on and exactly what role various actors are playing. The long arm of Washington, NATO and the CFR knows no bounds, be proud and brave there.

Erialda avatar
Erialda 13 Nov.

Lol Critical may be i should apply for CNN reporter, i did the role of journalist once upon a time ...may be they will hire me soon ...;) Thank you my friend :))

Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 13 Nov.

мне откровенно не понятны все эти громкие политические заявления))....

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What is Next for Syria?

I don’t want to be too negative, but the escalation of violence in Syria is one of the scariest things I have come across since the Bay of Pigs Invasion! If the Assad regime is confirmed as using chemical weapons in an attack on the population - which allegedly has killed around 1000 people – the political ramifications could be huge. President Obama has already said that such an attack would signify a crossing of `the red line` and this morning, France has insinuated that force may well be nee…
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Zett avatar
Zett 22 Aug.

one thing must be done. get off with any plans from Syria. stop financing or arming any islamist fanatics. Your neo-fascist regime now testing the patience of the rest of the world. Everything has been completely tired of your "care." Stop the policy of double standards and engage better with your internal problems, before it is too late, before you are not at the beginning of the same, that you have arranged in Libya, Egypt and Syria.
Boomerang always returns.

annatimone avatar
annatimone 23 Aug.

I think this whole terrorist rigmarole is first and foremost a chimera created by the western intelligence services, mostly British and US. You should read “The Age of Oil’ by Leonardo Maugeri. The Americans where losing the war, their planted well paid foreign mercenaries were switching sides. This is what they need to sell to the rest of the world to justify an invasion.

annatimone avatar
annatimone 23 Aug.

And of course, nothing like beating up on another country to distract people from issues at home, the US is hardly in a position to preach morality to the rest of the world and unfortunately for Syrians, Syria is just the easy-ish target of the moment which satisfies multiple political agendas. The pretence that Obama gives two squats about individual Syrians is a laughable facade and in any case, there was compelling evidence that it was the rebels who used the chemical weapons.

seediee avatar
seediee 24 Aug.

So upsetting what's happening in Syria. Just watching the news and can't believe my eyes or ears!
Its shocking and disturbing.
The red line has been crossed 100 times! :(((

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