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Art and creativity

I've been always about to create something new - knitting, draw paintings, writing poems, music and songs!
When you go through hardest period of your life the only thing what keeps you floating is creat something and pull all patios to this with all heart and emotions ❤️ Then the result will truly amazing
All art works help open mind up, break the walls from stereotypes and let think and do out of standards!
One of the most exciting thing I can do everywhere any time is singing ???? Record mysel…
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Wish you fruitful day from the shore of Caspian see with Azerbaijani rock song "At the shore of Caspian sea"

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Christmas song))

Бывает ли у вас такое, что какая-либо мелодия постоянно, сама по себе напевается и повторяется
без перерыва у вас в голове?)) со мной такое сегодня целый день))
как будто специально она звучала практически во всех местах, где я сегодня бывала))
отличная песня для моего все еще продолжающегося новогоднего настроения))
думаю, вам она тоже знакома:
I don't want a lot for Christmas
There's just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I just want you for my own
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bohdan94 avatar
bohdan94 12 Gen

в новогодние праздники эта песня звучит отовсюду)

TradeTrading avatar

Nice one... but my fav is the George Michael's one :P

pashok888 avatar

бывает и у меня такое)))

Helena_Prekrasnaj avatar

я люблю напевать песенки:))

nono4ka avatar
nono4ka 25 Gen

Хочу еще раз Новый год встречать)))

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Good evening, dear community!
Today is a day-off, so I would like to share a video on a vital topic for our community. It is "likes".
The song titled "Likes" is performed by Arkadiy Laykin (aka Potap, real name Alexey Potapenko), a popular Ukrainian singer, who is also a producer, director, screenwriter and composer.
"Likes" have become part of every Internet user’s life, especially for fans of different social networks such as Fаcebook, Vkontakte, etc. They are also relevant to users of Yout…
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Yulia10 avatar
Yulia10 24 Nov

прикольное видео!

Aviator avatar
Aviator 25 Nov

без лайков здесь никуда )

Natalia_Kisenko avatar


ESokol avatar
ESokol 25 Nov

первая картинка вообще супер )

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 21 Dic

Nice video :))

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Today I record my song ;)

Today one of the interesting things for day, was recording of my song
im waiting to hear it, final file of it.
And i will send it to Moscow - 4 if October, will be one big event in Moscow, and topic of my song - totally Fits in it.
I already send them information, that I going to record it these days.
So it happaned!
Other thing that I moved oll my creative stuff to my flat. soright now it a Boom of paintings etc.
So this days are good for my carieer. I wish I could write more he…
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AnnaVer1 avatar
AnnaVer1 30 Set

Какая умница! Желаю удачи)

Sergej_Tomilino_2 avatar

На "Новой волне" будет новая звезда?))

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

you sing too?:))))))))))))))))))))))))

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 Dic

Good for you girl :))) you can check that off your "must do list" :))

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EURovision 2015

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Natalia_Kisenko avatar

good song!  I like spanish music!!!

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Жак Брель - Не покидай меня

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poe3 avatar
poe3 26 Apr
Bernard Alexandre sosie de Jacques Brel chante "Adieu l'Emile"" sur la scène du Foufoushow (66) le 16 janvier 2011 Bernard Alexandre sosie de Jacques Brel chante "Adieu l'Emile"" sur la scène du Foufoushow (66) le 16 janvier 2011


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Ice Queen. The song we record!

I want to share my song with you.
The one I recorded on Friday 17th of October.

This was a present from one guy, we get inspired, write this song and asked me to sing it.
Finally I did it after one year )
Im not professional, buy I tried my best.

I hope you like it.
I filmed video last February for this song. I hope unlill the end of this month I'll find the time to edit a music clip.
here is the Lyrics of this song

One cold night
Like a dream
Go down you
From the snow
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Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 22 Ott

Thank you! That was my first record :)    others were not professional

Vitava avatar
Vitava 22 Ott

Класс) А почему Королева Снежная грустная? Мелодичная и спокойная композиция))

JungaBunga avatar

very nice song)

Gleb_Tokarev avatar


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Im a Singer of the Day! :D

Yehoo No, Im not great singer, but I decide - right now or never!
I have some songs I wrote 5 years ago, and wanted to sing them,and I have some songs I was asked to sing
-I make a promise, and some sings which I just wanted to sing, but never decide to do so!
1. Choose to record my Promise.
(because promises are important to)
So I record the song I was asked to sing
2.I will sing a song which I just wanted to record
3.I will sing record my own

Yes I have some recordings, I…
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Sergej_Tomilino_2 avatar

Hope to hear your song on international contests!

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 18 Ott

Sergej_Tomilino_2  :D no Im far from Eurovision :D I don't have a beard or mustage.

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

how could I know -- she looks cute!

JulianaJ avatar
JulianaJ 20 Ott

Alexana,  думаю в песнях проявиться ещё одна грань твоего таланта! Обязательно пой!!!

JungaBunga avatar

:D nice

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DUKASCOPY FX VIDEO CONTEST - The Currency Song - June, 2011

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Olga18375 avatar


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