Yehoo No, Im not great singer, but I decide - right now or never!
I have some songs I wrote 5 years ago, and wanted to sing them,and I have some songs I was asked to sing
-I make a promise, and some sings which I just wanted to sing, but never decide to do so!
1. Choose to record my Promise.
(because promises are important to)
So I record the song I was asked to sing
2.I will sing a song which I just wanted to record
3.I will sing record my own

Yes I have some recordings, I shared with you, but that wasn't professional,
that was only record in my computer, or dictaphone.
I like to sing, but didn't do it on public or not much share it with people )
But I decide to -jump over my fears, and try to do that,what i wanted for some time.
Now or never!

What do you think? Do you have some wishes, which you always wanted to do, but -Stop yourself,
and pass it for "later" time..

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