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Creativity wise Beyonce

С творчеством этой мудрой, искренней и талантливой певицы все знакомы. Она ,пожалуй, одна из немногих, кто показывает свои настоящие чувства не только ,как мне кажется, в реальной жизни,но и через песни. Я считаю ее НАСТОЯЩЕЙ. Безусловно, ею восхищаются миллионы и она достойна того,чтобы ее любили и записывали в фаворитки. Через песни мы можем увидеть часть ее жизни,ее историю, а не тупой набор слов непонятно о чем. Так вот, ребята, я не смогла пройти мимо этого видео и не показать его вам. Это…
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deeejii avatar
deeejii 13 Jan.


Nastya_K avatar
Nastya_K 13 Jan.

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Natural beauty or a living Barbie???

This is a topic that concerns many of us. And it is very important for me to know your opinion, friends.
Неужели только меня напрягает количество скопированных друг под друга девушек?!На улицах и в социальных сетях скоро будет невозможно различить реальных людей от искусственных.
Индустрия красоты безжалостна по отношению к нам. Мы стремимся быть красивыми, молодыми и стройными. А если не соответствуем стандартам – дверь открыта к косметологам и пластическим хирургам

На рынке, каждый день, то и…
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Eosphoros avatar
Eosphoros 12 Jan.

Be yourself :)

Nastya_K avatar
Nastya_K 13 Jan.


deeejii avatar
deeejii 13 Jan.


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Nature Walks

Over the past year or so, I've discovered my love for hiking and nature walks. I live in Vancouver, one of the best cities for outdoor activities, with many mountain and forest trails, parks and green spaces. Unfortunately, for the longest time, I seldom went for walks or hikes, which is a shame, because there are beautiful wooded trails literally right outside my backdoor! Now, I try to go on at least one walk or hike every few weeks.
Another thing I've discovered in the past year or so is phot…
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RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 28 June

Yes, Vancouver (and most parts of Canada) still has vast areas where we can be with nature.

Colton94 avatar
Colton94 29 June

Yes, it's a great place to live if you are outdoorsy or athletic. 

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Working on new concept

Great work of Sayyed Mehdi
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wisdom_consultant avatar

lovely land

FXRabbit avatar
FXRabbit 20 Aug.

Where is this picture from ?

priceaction113 avatar

Pakistan nothern areas

priceaction113 avatar

see my galleries too

priceaction113 avatar

and i done it 2nd position.

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The world doesn't know about Pakistan this is actual Pakistan.
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Easter's excursion.

Here in italy, in the 2016 Easter was the 27 march. It was a sunny day. With some friends, I went among the mountain and there I have seen some great beautiful panoramas, landscapes with stream too.
I was a very nice day... I enjoyed it! (see my dedicated album too).
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JockPippin avatar

Oh Mr Col Moschin  :))) ....Nice parachute landing roll after your leap of faith :))) .

Mariia avatar
Mariia 4 Apr.

Grande, Pino!!!!!!!It is so cute!!!!

vera_trunova88 avatar

Красиво)))ПИ прыжок очень хороший)))Наверное Легкой атлетикой в детстве занимался???)))

Sharpshooter avatar


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The cleanest country in the world

Dear Community!
Did you know which country is the cleanest around the world?
In general, this is not surprising. Iceland can be called an island of purity. They were looking for the cleanest country (in terms of environment) specialists from Columbia & Yale universities. It turned out that in Nordic part, in general almost all countries can be called prosperous in terms of environment.
For this survey, scientists selected 25 evaluation criteria, including condition of water and air, level of …
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WallStreet6 avatar

nice photo!

Natalia_Kisenko avatar

WallStreet6  And nice country also

WallStreet6 avatar

There's not many people to pollute:) Would like to visit it as well:))))

Natalia_Kisenko avatar

I think that's a good idea )

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The Tunnel of Love

Good evening, dear friends!
Today I’d like to tell you about Tunnel of Love, botanic phenоmenon.
It is situated is near Rivne, Ukrainian nice city.
It consists of wooded area about 4 km long. It was made from thickets of wood, shrubs that are intertwined one another and create a dense fine-arched tunnel. An industrіal trаin passes the area 3 times a day.
It is a location of pilgrіmage fоr tourіsts & couples in love. It’s а tоurist legend - if a couple in love, which will go through it, make …
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Natalia_Kisenko avatar

WallStreet6  they run quickly out of the tunnel ))))

WallStreet6 avatar

maybe you can jump into the bushes to the left or right:) have you been there?

Natalia_Kisenko avatar

WallStreet6  dont yet )))

Alexander22 avatar

а куда деваться, когда поезд едет? )

Natalia_Kisenko avatar

Alexander22    вряд ли они там ездят )

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Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls - a legendary landmark, which attracts tourists from all over the world. Here the mighty Zambezi River drops down, forming a water curtain length of nearly 2 kilometers. Such a sight greets tourists coming here in the spring, when the river is full of water as much as possible, so that every second 5 million liters of water falling down to 100 meters and 30 km from the waterfall you can see the steam clouds rising above the water.
Indeed, water spray rising from the falls, formin…
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WallStreet6 avatar

But it's going to be on my way when I'll make a trip around the world:)

WallStreet6 avatar

...but first have to make some good trades:)

WallStreet6 avatar

....ok, ok- a lot of good trades:))))

Alexander22 avatar


Aviator avatar
Aviator 25 Sep.


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The Parque del Retiro in Madrid

The largest urban park Buen Retiro has been for several centuries a popular holiday destination in Madrid on Sundays. It is colloquially referred to as simply the Retiro Park. It became such an integral part of the Spanish capital, which has been listed its attractions for long time.
Occupying an area of ​​120 hectares, the Parque del Retiro rough numerous shady avenues, at intersection of which are unique plaster sculptures. Among the lush garden of decorative plants start up in the sky with b…
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WallStreet6 avatar

....or maybe not- maybe better to learn the weekdays first

WallStreet6 avatar

...but they only have one day- manana:)

WallStreet6 avatar

you know that it's rude not to say anything during our conversation- you could at least say- agree or you're right:))))))

Alexander22 avatar

очень хороший парк!

Aviator avatar
Aviator 25 Sep.

Красивое место!

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