Блог Сообщества Dukascopy

Отсортировано по тагам:  Lost

EURusd overview

Yesterday, 1 described in the United States.The quarterly growth rate was revised downwards according to previous calculations, while some fed/FOMC members ' speeches after data will be followed. St. George'sLouis Fed Chairman James Bullard: rapid interest rates will harm the economy, while Atlanta Fed Chairman Raphael Bostic: trade Wars concern, the rapid increase in interest rates can cause the goal to be exceeded, he warned. The leading CPI figures announced in Germany yesterday mostly fell b…
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EURusd overview

The Fed's announcement after Federal Open Market Committee(FOMC) meetings pointed to a more “falsehood” stance in the current year and inflation projections, but the end of expectations and yesterday's European Central Bank(ECB) meeting due to the end of the morning hours of rising on the parite side due to expectations. In the ECB decisions, all interest rates were fixed, while the asset purchase program was announced as 30 billion euros until the end of September and as 15 billion euros betwee…
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DAY 18 - Stop Focusing on Lost Opportunities

It is the most common plague among amateur traders: "Focusing on the wrong things". Amateur traders are too busy focusing on things that are not beneficial to their trading.
As a trader, we have to sink this in your trading philosophy and trading psychology; If it doesn't help our trading in anyway, get rid of it. Do not waste the time and energy focusing on it.
For example taking a trade purely on fundamental news and getting whipsawed by market volatility. As a trader we have to understand t…
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I lost my Gucci watch yesterday..

I can't forget, but I need to let it go..
Yesterday before examination, I had some free 30 minutes, and I came to one shop and try on some dress,
while changing clothes, I took off my watch and other bracelets.
Then I left my watch in changing room, I noticed that I don't have watch on my hand while writing an exam!!
That was more stress, that writing exam at all, because I like this watch very much.
Ahh, Of course I come back, but workers said, they don't found anything, and ch
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atasoy avatar
atasoy 14 Март


Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 15 Март

not such new, but anyway, that was sad

VictoriaVika avatar
VictoriaVika 15 Март

Это так печально (((
Желаю чтобы их нашел порядочный человек и вернул тебе.

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