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I lost my Gucci watch yesterday..

I can't forget, but I need to let it go..
Yesterday before examination, I had some free 30 minutes, and I came to one shop and try on some dress,
while changing clothes, I took off my watch and other bracelets.
Then I left my watch in changing room, I noticed that I don't have watch on my hand while writing an exam!!
That was more stress, that writing exam at all, because I like this watch very much.
Ahh, Of course I come back, but workers said, they don't found anything, and ch
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atasoy avatar
atasoy 14 Mar.


Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 15 Mar.

not such new, but anyway, that was sad

VictoriaVika avatar

Это так печально (((
Желаю чтобы их нашел порядочный человек и вернул тебе.

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Geneva trip review - DAY 4 - part 1

Hello there! Now I want to continue my fairytale with Day number 4 in Geneva.
I woke us almost like experienced movie start, professionally had my superfast breakfast, did a make up and had another session with hairstylist, who by that time already became like a good friend of mine.
As we had several delayed destinations this was our main task to do before Thursday noon. Same day afternoon everything was completely booked with preparations for the event!
This is my morning photo waiting for the …
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Atashi_Tada avatar

Daytrader21 - Christmas hat would be perfect! For everybody :) Crown is mine :D

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 20 Dec.

Daytrader21, there might be one for the Trader of the year ) That's like mr Dukascopy

mag avatar
mag 20 Dec.

Congratulations to Dukascopy bank, Sergio Rossi, Tara Jarmon, Gucci, Athasi happy with all your shoes and congratulations to the Back Stage do not appear but do everything possible.

mag avatar
mag 20 Dec.

spectacular red shoes !!!

Atashi_Tada avatar

thank you Mag!

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My research of Miss Dukascopy Prize Fund #1 - GUCCI

These series of posts are based on Miss Dukascopy prizes for the Winner #1. It’s a small dream of mine where I will introduce some basic info that is interesting and useful to know about each of the fashion/jewellery designers from the prize fund list. Also I will share my opinion of what I’d love to have from this designer in my personal collection if I win this contest (that's my favourite part ). Hope these series will bring some more clarity about the beautiful things the winner can own wi…
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