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School Baby :D

Do you remember your school days?
It feels like this week is nostalgia week for me Im just remembering some good memories,
here is also post "Old School Baby"
Here I want to share with you my experience and the differenties between School Education in Canada,Ottawa
And School Education in Latvia,Riga.
In Riga we have old Post Sovet school (right now it get reforma, and become more loyal)
But as I remember w
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JungaBunga avatar
JungaBunga 28 Sep.

so sweet)

Sergej_Tomilino_2 avatar

I remeber, because we learned at the same school until my arrival to Russian)

Jignesh avatar
Jignesh 25 Oct.

Sounds like it was quite an experience.  I can't say school was like that for me.. I think we had 4-5 classes per semester, but I can't quite remember now..  Maybe a difference between Toronto and Ottawa?

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 25 Oct.

Jignesh yes :) I just compering school in Riga(Latvia) I lived before and Ottawa(Canada). in Ottawa we had 4 classes per day and possibility to choose. but in Riga we had 7-8 classes per day without possibility to choose :D That was the great difference!

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 25 Oct.

Miss that days,really, )

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The Faity Tale House

Also they calling themselves the Faity Tale House Undine
This house is full of handmade works, and it makes it special, like an Art museum, also they living by Sun calendar (you can see it drowen on the floor). this house has a huge interesting story behind.
This is non-govermental place, absolutely free and they up for ideas and events. Ofcourse they have some rules for not damaging the house.
Last Saturday (22 of March)they organised an event celebration of coming Spring "OSTARA"
I also or
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ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 29 Mar.

yes, that's right, and there are many others places to see, you are welcome to visit Vilnius again :)btw, i've been to Riga 3 times, and should come back there again some day with pleasure

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 29 Mar.

Oh yeah great! let me know if you planning to come again! ! :) About Lithuania, wich places you can suggest?  - One of my friend will be there at 10th+april ..his from Moscow, I will come too,because its close. but :D didn't know much what to show. 

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 29 Mar.

so yes :) Vilnus is in a plans, sooner

Lebedj avatar
Lebedj 3 Apr.

Ундина - знакомое место.  :)  Знаю ещё места интересные в Латвии - лес Покайне. Про него много чудесных и необычных историй. 

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 3 Apr.

Вот про него не знаю, мне в Ундине рассказывали что есть у нас еще эко-поселение.  верней что-то наподобии,но как музей. 

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About me

My name is Sesilijs and I am 20 years old. Originally I come from Tbilisi, Georgia. My family and I moved to Riga, Latvia when I was 5 months old, so I was raised here. When I was 16 years old me and my best friend have decided to go study International Baccalaureate Diploma Program in Sweden, it's like high school . So I spent 3 years in Sweden and now I'm back in Riga running my print business. I might go study in UK next year to become a lawyer, but I haven't decided yet...we'll see I like…
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Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 13 Mar.

Хммм. :) Передавай привет Мелиссе, при случае.

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The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire

Yesterday Latvia lost one of its biggest national symbols - president castle. It was biggest fire in many many years! Very sad, but too beautiful. Love fire.I just hope the government won't spend half of country budget on a new one )
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alltrade avatar
alltrade 24 June

You don't have to be ill or crazy to go to a psychologist, that's a misconception a lot of people have. Often, people have a lot of unanswered questions about their inner self & although a psychologist may or mayn't be able to answer all those questions, a good psychologist will likely be able to offer some insights about the person thought-processes that may allow a person to get closer to answering the questions about him/herself. And understanding yourself a little bit more definitely helps people enhance the quality of their life one way or another.

dzc avatar
dzc 25 June

it was an electricity problem in Art Gallery

Atashi_Tada avatar

@alltrade i went too far in this - have read so many psychotherapy books that i can be your doctor :)))

Atashi_Tada avatar

@dzc oh that's so sad!

MakVika avatar
MakVika 26 June

well we didn`t really lost it, it just looks a bit "worn" now! But anyways was really sad to look and realize that something like this is happening :(

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