
Do you remember your school days?
It feels like this week is nostalgia week for me Im just remembering some good memories,
here is also post "Old School Baby" http://www.dukascopy.com/fxcomm/blog/?action=post-show&post_id=30023

Here I want to share with you my experience and the differenties between School Education in Canada,Ottawa
And School Education in Latvia,Riga.

In Riga we have old Post Sovet school (right now it get reforma, and become more loyal)
But as I remember we had 7-8 classes everyday.And ofcourse homework )

in Canada it was different.
When I come there I grade 10 and it was first year of High School
(before the High School students used to wear uniform, but when you're in High School you can wear whatever you want.

And the system was different, you should choose classes you'll need for passing incoming exams in University you will go.

I had two ways I want to become Film Director or Clothes Designer.
So I choose classes I need more. And also I pass big exam in Clothes Design Competition( I will tell it later).

In Notre Dame High School we had only 4 classes the same every day!
+ you could take some additional courses you want.

Then in the end of the year you have one month of exams, you come at the day you have your exam.
And you choose next 4 classes for the second part of the year.

Also good thing which I like it: Social works!!

You have to work 164 hours for the society.
if you didn't work your hours, you will not get your diploma on the last year, when you gonna finish your school.

So I started to work in school Library there.

List of classes I got in first part of the year.

English Classes
Science Classes
Religion Classes
Civics and carriers (i really like it,but my knowledge of English wasn't so good that days, and I change it into -
Art Classes

Second part of the year.

Drama Classes
Photo Classes
Parenting Classes (Psychology of relationships and how to create good family and rise children).
Cooking Classes (part of the book has recepies consist meat and part of the book for vegetarians)

Compering with classes in Latvia: here is the schedule we have:

Each day of the week has different lessons, it looks like:

1.Algebra (Math)
3.Russian language
4.Russian literature


2.Russian literature
3.Latvian langiage
4.Latvian language
7.English language

And so on, and every class has "Homework" yeey!

So that was very interesting experience for me! I studied in Canada only one year, but it made me look outside of the box tho some things! Even compering the studies in both counties.

By the way I will come back to my long natural hair
What do you think? What Educational system do you like more and prefer?

Have a great day!

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