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Market Predisposed to Extend the Range

Currently there are no sign that the FX market is anywhere near to resume the bigger macro trend and in that case I go with the assumption that the market as a whole is more predisposed to extend current range zone through the last two months of the year. In this regard I guess it's best to adjust you strategy and best way to profit from this environment is fade any move into important support/resistance levels.
I guess that the commodity currencies will be a better option to trade under this ci…
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Market Predisposed to Extend the Range

Currently there are no sign that the FX market is anywhere near to resume the bigger macro trend and in that case I go with the assumption that the market as a whole is more predisposed to extend current range zone through the last two months of the year. In this regard I guess it's best to adjust you strategy and best way to profit from this environment is fade any move into important support/resistance levels.
I guess that the commodity currencies will be a better option to trade under this ci…
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My Experience with Banc De Binary

Hello to all Ducascopy Community !
Today I wanna tell you the story that happen with me and Banc De Binary.
I really wanted to try if I can make some money with on line trading, so I deposited 250GBP with the Banc de Binary and before I knew it I lost them, I was expecting that as I had no experience what so ever, so I deposited another 250GBP and lost them again so I said is not for me and didn't really worry, as I was convinced that is not for me.
Next day I was contacted from one of the accou…
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Besnik avatar
Besnik 1 May

Mos u dorezo mos trego asgje drejte te banka jote ku e ke llogarin bankare gjitha fajin hedhja asaj companies banka de binary dhe thuaj departmentit e vjedhjeve te bankes tuaj se ke qen te zyra e drejtave konsumatoreve dhe ata te kan sugjerue me shkue te manka se banka ka fuqi dhe ka mundesi me I kthye parat dhe thuaj bankes po nuk I kthyet parat 8500 sterling une do shkoj te avocati I'm dhe do e coj ket ceshjte ne manure ligjore kunder companies dhe kunder bankes qe nuk I mbron klientat e vete dhe plus do e reklamosh ne cdo media sociale si Twitter facebok linked dhe media tjera se si banka

Besnik avatar
Besnik 1 May

jote nuk I mbron interest e klienteve dhe po ashtu dhe banka de binarin per mashtrim qytetareve. me ligje eshte cfare te thote ne telefon ose ne email duhet me ju permbajte fjales po te thot do fitosh 10000 pound dhe nuk I fitove numerohet mashtrim dhe kunder ligjit.

une jo vetem qe I kam mare parat emia por I kam mare edhe njeher mashume per mashtrim dhe kjo shuma e dyte ka qene si denim per companin qe me ka genjyer.

Mos u dorezo vepro se ke te drejte .


Besim76 avatar
Besim76 1 May

Z Besnik, te falenderoj nga zemra shume dhe te kerkoj falje qe po te pergjigjem kaq vone! por une kam jetuar ne Angli dhe banka qe i kam transferu fondet, tani jam kthyer perfudimisht ne Shqiperi dhe nuk shkoj dot me, keshtu qe ato kane ikur dhe nuk i marr dot me, pastaj kam firmosur edhe kontrate qe i kam transferu me vetedije, dhe nuk besoj qe ja dal dot.
Kete blog e kam postuar qe ta lexojne njerezit qe te mos gabojne sikur une.

Me Respekt
Besim Sokolaj

Besnik avatar
Besnik 9 May

Miredita Zotri Besim. Po nuk e ke mbyllure llogarine bankare te banka juaj ne angli do veprojsh keshtu . Shko tet scambrokers webside gjeje me shume informacion negative dhe review negative printoj gjitha po ashtu po ashtu shkruaja nje leter vete ne menyre profesionale bankes tuaj dhe sqaroj gjithcka qe eshte zi e ma zi per banca de binary. Edhe pse ke firmose kontrate nuk ka problem mos I trego bankes tende por edhe me te then ke firmose kontrate thuaj e kam firmose  se me kan premtuare 100 % fitim cfare do te ndodhe ata te bankes tuaj do te marin ne telefon tani ty duhesh ta kesh nje

Besnik avatar
Besnik 9 May

numer telefoni te anglise qe kure te marin ne telefon te I pergjigjesh po te pyesin ku ndodhesh thuaj je I zene ke hap biznes ne shqipri po nuk te marin ata ne telefon pase nja 3 javeve mere banken ne telefon dhe kerkoi llogari cfare po behet me rastin tende. Letren postoja ndonje miku ne angli pastaj ai ta postoje te banka jote. nuk do humbesh asgje vetem nja 50 euro per telefon. une kam pase firmose kontrate dhe perseri I kam mare I njejti raste identik.

Me Respekt

Besnik Sherifi

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Ranging Market - FX Advice

So far this is a relative quiet week in the FX world and it seems that current environment will persist for some time. But we have to keep in mind that usually after small ranges the markets will post some bigger ranges and expend so this is also a signal of what may be ahead of us. Once we'll have those breakouts I honestly think that it will not be wise to fade them but rather to go with the flow.
We just need some catalyst to trigger the move and we already know that the CB monetary policy ha…
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October Fx Market Outlook

In this article we’re going to look at both the technical setup as well as the fundamental themes that have been dictating the movements in the FX Market for the month of September and what’s going to drive the market forward in the coming month. The fact that we haven’t been able to see a rally in the equity market and a continuous decline in the US Dollar it tells us that something significant is happening, and that is a shift in the belief of monetary policy and its influences over the marke…
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FX Market Talk

So far the market has not entered in full risk aversion mode and despite Greece referendum "NO" vote victory EUR/USD exchange rates looks quite stable. Not even RBA rate decision could spark some volatility in aussie as kiwi was moving more than aussie on RBA decision, go figure.
I'll be trading very defensively and my main priority is still to capital preservation and last but not least to try to recover my long term account balance. Last month I managed to move in the right direction and ended…
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FX Story Time

Is that time again when I'm rambling again about the FX markets and the sh*t going on in the land of the free market on a daily basis. There is no day passing by without to be amazed of the things going on with the FX Market. This time around I took again a long position on EUR/AUD after my first attempt failed to materialize around RBA rate decision, I spoke more about that trade here: RBA Cut Rates
Not to mention that the reaction on the RBA rate decision was absurd and I was expecting …
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guilhemch avatar

Nice story as usual. It is always difficult the handle these times when your forecast is right but you're not taking part in the party.

Daytrader21 avatar

guilhemch Yes, it's even harder when this is happening since beginning of the month, definitely not a good strategy to get in top 10 rank:)

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Risk on

Seems that the Monday will be gap to the USD in the FX market.
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Convallium avatar

thank you, your predictions and tips helps for many people)

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2014 FX Market Outlook - AUD (part 3)

Although for the current contest month I'm out I'm still going to try to bring back my account at BE after suffering 80% loss in the first trading day, and this mean that I should make 400% to bring back my account to 100k, but I'm a fighter and never give up. So, I'm still going to make blogging as I really enjoy it so I'm going to continue with my 2014 FX Market Outlook blog series. This time we're going to look at Cable, you can see check my previous blog post here: …
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floge avatar
floge 6 Jan.

"I don't know how many of you are aware the GBPUSD is on the verge to make/or not make a big advance in price" - i'm aware, the big test is on this area, must breakout 1,70 to run away, have she legs? will see :-D

Daytrader21 avatar

Definitely GBP is one to watch in 2014 but patience is required and also flexibility if market doesn't follow our plan


EURUSD strong up after statements released

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2014 FX Market Outlook - JPY (part 1)

I'm going to give out my Fx Market Outlook for this year and I'm going to start with my favorite currency pair: Japanese Yen. It will be a series of blog post because I want to take the time to go through all the major currency pairs and give my personal outlook for 2014.
We know that currently the YEN pairs is all about Abenomics market policies. The "Abenomics effect" have had a huge impact to revive Japan's economy, strengthening consumer consumer spending. Although many have doubted the mark…
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gmoney7 avatar
gmoney7 1 Jan.

Very comprehensive...nicely prepared...All the very best to you...


very good job

Daytrader21 avatar

Thank you guys, much appreciated

Metal_Mind avatar

Nice buddy. On every blog i learn something new!! this needs to be tweeted!!!

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