Hello to all Ducascopy Community !

Today I wanna tell you the story that happen with me and Banc De Binary.

I really wanted to try if I can make some money with on line trading, so I deposited 250GBP with the Banc de Binary and before I knew it I lost them, I was expecting that as I had no experience what so ever, so I deposited another 250GBP and lost them again so I said is not for me and didn't really worry, as I was convinced that is not for me.

Next day I was contacted from one of the account managers of Banc De Binary, Loria Morgan telling me that she will help me recover the money, but I must deposit more money in order to do that, which I did, believe me or not I lost £8500 , actually I was my fault too, but most of the trades that she gave me where ending up loosing, and the way she was talking to me, I knew that all she wanted was for me to deposit more. so I said I have no more money, she started telling me that I damaged her profile, I make her look bad, she might loose her job because of me, and if I wanted to gamble I should go to a Casino.
Like 4 weeks ago I manage to get some money and I deposited £1115 trading by my self and I lost them which I blame no one but my self.
Than I was contacted by Daniel Lloyd that tolled me that he will help me to recover my money, but I must deposit more, and he asked for £3355 =$5000 so He kept really and I am not joking harassing me every minute of the day for 5 days why I am not depositing the money , I was letting him wait , that soon as I will deposit the money he will make me rich and that he got plans for me to recover every single penny. So I borrowed £3355 from a friend, I had to lie to him, telling him my mother is in hospital and need to pay for her treatments and I deposited finally , after that I was waiting to trade with him , he gave me first 3 trades and asked me to trade £1000 which I lost 2 and won 1, in total he gave me 7 trades and out of them I won just 2 , he added me the bonus and everything and I lost all, and as I singed the protected trades I asked him to add me the bonus for the deposited money I had done it by my self, and he did add the bonus but in return he asked me to send an email, to value his service and his "help" towards me. So I did as I was in need to recover the money and he was very happy. I was talking to him, and he asked me to deposit more money in order to recover now £13000 but I had no more, so he suggested that I should sell my mothers flat, or get a loan from the bank, or borrow money from a Broker, and I knew that all he wanted was that I deposit money and not really to help me. So I gave up the hope that that guy will help me.
I did send him e message on Skype telling him that he really don't care to help me but all he want's was that I deposit money and he gets his commission. He replied immediately and tolled me the same thing as Loria Morgan that I was a gambler and i should go to a Casino If I wanted to play.( I think when they see that you no longer trust them, they try to push you way, and make you feel like was all your fault, so than you can leave them be, and than they ask another account manager to call you so he can do the same until you have no penny left on your pockets). He actually started making fun of me saying that £3k mean nothing to him as he deals with $1,7 millions accounts form his costumer, that I cried for £5 things that really made him childish.
I never been so sad in my life and more stressful, and I am not rich and I really mean it, I wasn't sad and stressful just about loosing money but because I trusted them and they played me off.

The last day conversation I got it still on Skype but the start of all this I have deleted, if you would have seen it all you would have been shocked
Over all I lost 13000GBP and another 13000GBP that they gave me as bonus.

What I am saying is that they push you to deposit money in order that they can get their commission and later they don't care at all what will happen, and believe me or not, they give you the wrong trades in order that you will loose the money as soon as possible in order that you must deposit again.

I have filed a complaint to the compliant department and a girl has replied and said will forward to relevant people to deal with it but no one has bothered to contact me.

My Advise is to all traders do not trade with anyone before checking out the reviews google the trader name and see the reviews and than decide if you really want to trade with them or not.



I wish you all readers beautiful day.

Besi Tags: Trader Contest Jforex Banc De Binary
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