Test Yourself:

Take this test to see if your life needs rebalancing.

  1. Do you devote enough time to your trading -- not too little nor too much to achieve the kind of success you desire?
  2. Do you get enough restful sleep?
  3. Can you leave your trading life in the office and not take it home with you?
  4. Does your family life suffer because you are not devoting enough time to them?
  5. Does your family approve of the commitment you have made to your trading?
  6. Are you eating properly?
  7. Are you exercising frequently?
  8. Have you found healthy ways to cope with stress?
You should have answered "Yes" to all questions except #4. Give yourself one point for each correct answer. The higher the score, the more balanced you are. To put it another way, a low score means you're unbalanced.

If you keep the components of nutrition, stress management, exercise, and rest in balance with your commitment to trading, you will be happier, healthier, and perhaps more profitable.
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