In coming months my main objective would be to address and correct my long term account balance in the Trader Contest. If you look at my long term account balance it looks very nasty and shows a "consistency inconsistency". Since August 2014 my balance has been going in a downward spiral and I've managed to bring it down to even -70%. However since beginning of this month I've promised myself that I'll do whatever it takes to bring my account balance back in the green. Right now it stands at -49% and I'm confident enough that by the end of the year it will be recovered.

I think it's best to focus to recover my long term balance rather than to focus to gain a place in top 10 rank, because whenever my focus was to get in top 10 I forced myself to take unnecessary risk just to catch up with the rank, and this has proven to be a fatal error because more often than not you will end up taking bad trades.

By addressing this issue I hope it will keep me more disciplined and force me to be more patience when it comes with my trading in the Trader Contest.

Best Regards,
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