This is my analisys on what traders of TOP 4 that seems the ones trying to get TOP 1 including me are planning to do, TOP 3 and TOP 4 have very good opportunities to improve in a simple way specially TOP 4, as he has been doing last days he just try to improve Quality Orders stats by doing some scalping on EURUSD, he can get very easy 20 points more next week only by doing that. Then TOP 3 player is in a more difficult spot in my opinion, as he cannot get more points in performance, and the only way of improvement in by blog points, he is following that route last days, but it will give less points that TOP 4 player. Im in TOP 2 and the most obvious way of performing is by equity, moving up in quity leader could give me 180 points, and put me with 263 points, with that performance nobody could catch me. TOP 1 forex_vn also its in difficult situation but he has the opportunity to grab the second place in performance that guarantees him also the first place as long as he keep posting good quality blogs. So thats my view on how traders should engage the last week of this contest trading.
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