We spent last week in terms of news flow and data-intensive U.S. Non-Farm Payrolls estimated with over 228 thousand respectively. When you look at average hourly earnings, was announced as 0.2 percent. The unemployment rate last month took place in parallel with data. When we look at data for the euro area, Germany's foreign trade balance German factory orders below expectations met expectations while giving in excess of 19 billion euros to 900 million showed. Euro-zone PPI figures remained below estimates on an annual basis, while on a monthly basis on visions, respectively. Very intensive in terms of news flow last week, has acquired a major share in the agenda of coalition talks in Germany. Within weeks Congress SPD CDU/CSU voted to begin negotiations with. In the aftermath of the vote, the SPD officials, for the establishment of the big coalition Yesil light. Approximately 600 members voted to begin negotiations. The work of the coalition two and a half months after the Parties to the Coalition on the day of interview Wednesday. Emmanuel Macron is also a large coalition of European leaders French President and Greek Prime Minister Alexis tsipras expressed support for. With the Elimination of the uncertainty of tax reform in the United States, which will be held this week, the Fed/FOMC meeting last week with positive expectations continued to fall towards parity. This week, is expected to be intensive in terms of data and news flow. On 13 December, the Fed interest rate decision as well as decisions about policies will be followed by 2018. 14 December, the ECB are expected to make policy decisions and interest. The pair volatility is important for future decisions on both sides. Also, U.S. ppi, CPI, Federal budget balance, retail sales, industrial production, ZEW economic sentiment in the euro zone service and manufacturing PMI figures, industrial production, trade balance, German CPI and PMI figures emerge as other important factors that should be followed. Technically medium-term assignment for 1.1710 on the down side, on the up side 1.1870 levels weekly as a result of transactions will be important.
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