femme's Blog


Friday, 20 January :

Salut !...
It hurts to laugh today, so I sure yesterday was active enough.
My Contest broke the bottom this week. One good trade still has frightening consequences, though I vowed to ignore it this year. I am full steam ahead, for the coming week and have a lot of clarity on the technicals. A few small intermediate patterns still to watch.
Some rumblings from Eurozone about Tax Reforms. I agree with the concept but probably would prefer more emphasis on Expenditure.
Wishing everyone anoth…
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Wednesday, 18 January :

Salut !...
I am opting to leave my technicals for an active Thursday.
Still awaiting US Advance GDP next Friday, so I also enjoy these comments today by JPMorgan's CEO, Mr Jamie Dimon.
Mr Dimon suggests a bold 3% to 4% increase in economic growth this year. This, based on tax and regulatory reforms, which may take 9 to 12 months to implement. He also suggests that smaller banks could benefit more by t…
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Tuesday, 17 January :

Salut !...
I offer myself full marks for my analysis yesterday and for the long trade on GBPCAD this late morning. A strong growth in the balance is all that can be anticipated.
Equally, I do enjoy Prime Minister Theresa May's speech today. I found it balanced, diplomatic and constructive, offering fairness, transparency, protection of the employment market, security and emphasis on Global Trade. A phased, paced transition is also refreshing.
Let's pick up the pace tomorrow too.
Wishing everyon…
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Monday, 16 January :

Salut !...
The rule is all trades off on a Friday night and I'm usually very good at this. A wait for an entry today, though I could prefer the pips at the moment.
News of the day is definitely Prime Minister May's speech tomorrow. Brexit is always going to be volatile and to be responsible, as always, is all that can be done, in my opinion.
Wishing everyone a great day !
Happy pipping.
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Femme has taken 13th place in Social Trading Contest Dec 2016

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Sunday, 15 January :

Salut !...
Massive opening gap on GBP tonight.
I am interested in watching President-elect Trump's resolution for the US Affordable Care Act. In any event, it is the Tax Payer who pays the bill and this Article perhaps graphically indicates some real issues.
Wishing everyone a healthy week !
Happy pipping.
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Saturday, 14 January :

Salut !...
I adore this Article today about the October Flash Crash. I was watching very specific technicals at the time.
I threw the trade on GBPCAD, I believe, though I knew it was a ditch. I regretted it the next day, after reading the blog, though I can never forget these technicals ever.
Lovely to be reminded and I should definitely continue to watch for them.
Perhaps some analysis tomorrow...
Happy pipping.
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Friday, 13 January :

Salut !...
I hope it was a good Friday for everyone.
Leaving Contest on or about 28K for the week-end. Probably I will still lose some good entries this week coming but I am due at my desk after 13h00 each day.
I thought this nature Article was the best news today !
Wishing everyone a peaceful week-end.
Happy pipping.
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Thursday, 12 January :

Salut !...
My Top 30 was interesting at 30K and my Top 20 is even better, now at 20K. It's not a problem, as I've been a worse balance and done extremely well on Contest.
I do sound a little like Bank of England Governor Mark Carney in that Consumer Credit is currently " not a problem ". I prefer this Article today. Somewhat a shoestring... Lower volume Exports, cheaper Imports, which are generally more costly in the longrun. Construction is a little slow, which is infrustructure. Industrial Pr…
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Wednesday, 11 January :

Salut !...
Problems blogging today, so apologies that it is late.
Contest Balance is now 68K. I am confident that it will reach 100K again tomorrow and I should start to cherry pick States trades thereafter.
President-elect Trump's speech today is captivating. He is addressing key issues, in my opinion :
1. Internet security.
2. Healthcare.
3. Loss of local investments ( and jobs ).
4. Bad deals, particularly Pharmaceutical.
5. The Mexican Wall.
Wishing everyone an interesting day !
Happy pipping.
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