elenabel's Blog



These shoes are my favourite ever!!! Ughh... Italian, of course...
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Stix avatar
Stix 13 Aug.

Nice blue. :)



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Mobile Apps World

The topic of Mobile Apps is very close to me, because my company BDP designs mobile apps and constantly contributes to ever changing Mobility field! We make apps for Iphone, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry, however my choice is Iphone .
So thank you, Dukaskopy, for this task!
It is difficult to choose TOP-5, but I think these are the most disruptive and my favourite:
1. Viber - VoIP calls and messages.
This app made a BIG change in the world and moved Telecom companies out of biz by providing…
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Stix avatar
Stix 13 Aug.

I use my PC... Never my phone. :)

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Going Green

Wow, what a task!
In our time of technology and machines we should stay especially tuned and conscious about nature, otherwise our technologies can do a bad job for us.
As individuals, we have the power to control most of our choises. Every single thing that we do has an impact - good or bad. These are some of the good things I am doing :
1. My company has joined a green initiative - Greenwill.org. We are adapting green policies and environmental practises in all business operations, so not only…
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Summer - 2014 To-Do List

Hello Everybody!
I hope you are having a great day and enjoying your summer.
So, here are my Summer 2014 Plans:
Half of the summer is already over, so I can tick some of the things which are already accomplished:
1. Travel to Africa and visit at least 5 new countries and learn how people live there– Done! (Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania)
2. Try Diving – Done!
3. Go on Safari – Done!
4. Swim in the Sea – Done!
5. Start a new project – Done! My new venture is an IT company in Banki…
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JvdS87908 avatar

great place

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My TOP Pleasures

Here are my TOP 5 pleasures:
1. Salsa Dancing
I love latino dancing and feel full joy of life being carried by these moves. Once I even organized a dancing school with my friend who is an Absolute Champion of Belarus in Ballroom Dancing.
2. A meaningful conversation in a nice restaurant over a glass of Italian wine.

3. Entrepreneurship and my work
I love generating ideas and turning them in reality, I enjoy doing my business activities despite of much stress.
4. Reading
I could read…
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Flowers Perfection

They say: “if you like something, you will want to get it to yourself, but if you Love something - you will keep caring and preserving it.” Flowers are my love, I adore them. My favorite are roses , but all flowers have something special about them.. It is so amazing to observe such a perfect creation of God, all these curves, colours, ensembles and smell... I were lucky to visit Holland during the time of tulips flourishing. Holland is the biggest exporter of tulips in the world, so they have m…
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Polinka avatar
Polinka 16 Aug.

Очень красиво!!)

JvdS87908 avatar

nice work

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Jewels with a Twist

These wonderful jewels were brought to me by African designers. The credit goes to my friends from a small East African country called Rwanda, who created these masterpieces (both the jewels and the dress) and also took the photos.
Some off-topic information: Rwanda is a country with a tragic history. Around 20 years ago it experienced the mass-killing of own people, within 100 days over 1 mln people were murdered, which is the biggest violence since WW2. Neighbors were destroying neighbors in a…
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It’s my life – it is now or never.

So, what is more risky, to take this risk or to refuse it? We never know until we try Though my opinion on this is that risks should be calculated, they should be for a reason. Bold risks are worthless and dangerous.
I am taking risks literally every day: I am an entrepreneur, so I have to think of unknown and make decisions really quickly.
There is a lot of crazy stuff that I have been doing in my business life, sometimes feeling like Ms James Bond, some risks worked, some were useless, but …
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