Блог YuliyaNaumova


Ice-смузи (заменяем мороженое)

Все любят мороженое, а когда на улице лето - особенно, но чем заменить жирный пломбир?
Решение есть: отличный десерт — ice-смузи.
1 крупный банан (порезать на мелкие ломтики) и положить в морозилку.
Дальше взбиваем банан с 50-70 мл молока в блендере. (молока много не сыпьте)
Выложить половину банановой смеси в стеклянный стакан и положить в морозилку.
В оставшуюся банановую часть добавляем киви или шпинат, я не рискнула.
Смешиваем в блендере ягоды (смородина черная и красная или клубника с малин…
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taimasik avatar
taimasik 25 Июнь

выглядит круто!)

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 Дек.

look good and delicious

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Perfume effect

Всем привет.
Духи это прекрасное дополнение к женскому образу.
И счастливы те, кто нашел свой аромат.
Увы, я пока не могу назвать один аромат, которому храню верность.
Очень часто меняю, а со временем, те ароматы которые были раньше, уже и не нравятся.
Были раньше: Dolce&Gabbana "Pour Femme Intense" и " Light Blue", Paris Hilton"Just Me " "Heiress". {jntkjcm , хотелось бы попробовать более изысканную парфюмерию в стиле KILIAN, но пока не было возможности.
Я в поисках того особенного аромата.
В д…
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Samsung has decided to create a technology that will facilitate overtaking trucks.
The creation of "safe truck" took the company Samsung and the team Leo Burnett Argentina, who offered to install the camera on the front of the truck to broadcast the recorded image on the screen located at the rear of the semi-trailer.
Accordingly, the driver traveling behind the car would have seen what happens to trucks and confidently went to overtake: according to statistics, in Argentina, where he was born a…
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Bagger 288 (Megamachine)


The most large car in the world.
Bagger 288 built by the German company Krupp for the energy and mining firm Rheinbraun.
It was built in 1978.
He surpassed tracked conveyor to transport the shuttles, NASA and the Apollo rocket on the launch pad.
Weight = 13 500 tonnes
The length = 240 meters
Height = 96 m.
Excavator can dig up 240 000 tonnes of coal.
The coal produced in one day fills 2400 coal wagons.
The maximum speed of 0.6 km / h.
The crew consists of 4 persons.
Hardly anyone c
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Natalia_Kisenko avatar
Natalia_Kisenko 16 Июнь


speculo_ergo_sum avatar
speculo_ergo_sum 20 Июнь

they showed it on Discovery! superb machine

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Jurassic World

Yesterday I watched the premiere - Jurassic World !

Children delight emotion, this to me is rare, and it's just gorgeous!
A beautiful film, with light humor, Very realistic dinosaurs
"If you are dealing with velociraptor, try to stay closer to Chris Pratt. Nobody and nothing can resist the charm of Pratt - even raptors. He's like no one else can see them fine soul and establish contact with them.".
The final scene with the T-Rex - amazing!
It proves once again that he is one of the most ferocio…
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Fountain of Wealth (Singapore)

Fountain of Wealth (Santec City, Singapore) - one of the largest fountains in the world.
Suntec City - Singapore's largest shopping, entertainment and business center
He is in the Guinness Book of Records.
The area of its base is 1683 square meters and on this basis stands 85-ton construction (Giant bronze donut )
The design of the fountain in strict accordance with the recommendations of Feng Shui is saturated with all kinds of Asian characters, contributing to prosperity. Water is going to th…
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Natalia_Kisenko avatar
Natalia_Kisenko 11 Июнь


edlim avatar
edlim 14 Июнь

welcome to Singapore, Yuliya ! (^^)

Helena_Prekrasnaj avatar

поразительная символика1

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The Floating Seahorse (DUBAI)

Overwater villas and floating properties have existed for years worldwide, but The Floating Seahorse will set a new benchmark in the marine and luxury lifestyle development market.
The Floating Seahorse is designed for holidaying, relaxation and quality leisure time.
Each individual Floating Seahorse will boast three storeys _ one underwater, one at sea level and an upper deck.
The floating retreats are ideal for marine and y…
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DumbAsArock avatar
DumbAsArock 12 Июнь

I see your name and think of this.

DumbAsArock avatar
DumbAsArock 12 Июнь

Oh, I posted a link but it didn't work. I'll post it on my blog for you.

YuliyaNaumova avatar
YuliyaNaumova 12 Июнь

DumbAsArock ok)

DumbAsArock avatar
DumbAsArock 12 Июнь

Drat, they wouldn't let me post it there either. It's on YouTube, "Julia" by The Beatles.

WallStreet6 avatar
WallStreet6 13 Июнь

that looks great

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Amatciems (Latvia)

Unique village!
Comfortable living space of a single style, standard and quality in a unique countryside.

Aivars Zvirbulis -
creator of the project.
There are internal rules In the village. For example: within the village in the evening and at night is not allowed to make noise, not allowed to build fences, and the dog should not sit on the chain.
The settlement is designed so that each house from the window you can see only the nature and maximum - roofs of other houses.
Each site covers an ar…
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YuliyaNaumova avatar
YuliyaNaumova 9 Июнь

driven It is clear that house can afford to wealthy people, but we should aim for more) Not everyone can afford a car...

driven avatar
driven 9 Июнь

Yuliya I agree, but the money to build this project has to come from somewhere. What has happened consistently throughout history is that wealthy people have been first to adopt (and pay for) early innovations, and then as the technology and production processes have become cheaper and better less wealthy people have adopted them. Not that long ago it was extremely expensive to fly in an aeroplane and reserved only for the richest, but now almost anyone can fly for very little money. New innovations have to start somewhere.

YuliyaNaumova avatar
YuliyaNaumova 10 Июнь

driven it was his own money

driven avatar
driven 11 Июнь

Well, he may have put up some of the capital for the project, but I have never heard of a building developer that does not want a return on his investment. If you think that a developer would buy up land and spend his own money building fancy houses with fantastic views, and then sell them below cost, then I don't know what to tell you :)

WallStreet6 avatar
WallStreet6 13 Июнь


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Step into the Void (Alps)

Extreme attraction "Step into the void" (Step into the Void) in Chamonix, on top of the peak Aiguille du Midi (3842 meters).
Fully transparent cube, the walls, floor and ceiling are made of glass, hanging over the abyss whose depth is 1035 meters.
Designer - Pierre-Yves Chays.
Structure is made of laminated glass and is able to withstand wind speeds up to 220 km / h and the temperature to -60 ø C.
To avoid scratching the surface at the entrance to the need to change the shoes, soft slippers.
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WallStreet6 avatar
WallStreet6 6 Июнь


RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 8 Июнь

Good therapy for those scared of heights :p

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Electric buses in Sweden

Volvo launches electric buses on the road in Sweden.
The first eco-friendly buses Volvo.
They will ride on a new route laid in the project ElectriCity - an initiative to develop a new generation of public transport, non-polluting.
10.7 m long buses designed to carry up to 86 passengers.
At first, on route will go three fully electric bus Volvo, as well as seven vehicles with hybrid propulsion.
Shop electric buses equipped with outlets for charging gadgets, furthermore, you can connect to Wi-Fi.
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Olga18375 avatar
Olga18375 5 Июнь

но и проезд, девочки, в Швеции дорогой)))

Olga18375 avatar
Olga18375 5 Июнь

помню в Финляндии проехалась в одну сторону за 5 евро) для них это недорого,а вот для нас больше 100 грн в одну сторону по городу) ну как-то так

YuliyaNaumova avatar
YuliyaNaumova 5 Июнь

Оля, Финляндия как и Европа дорогая по умолчанию, а если не учитывать денежный вопрос, то впечатлила?

Olga18375 avatar
Olga18375 5 Июнь

конечно впечптлила. Это крутая тема. было бы здорово чтобы у нас появились электромобили в большом количестве. Ну а что, зарядился и поехал)) может это не выгодно другим людям, имею ввиду бизнесу.

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 8 Июнь

All cities (big & small) should switched to electric or other zero-pollution public transport.

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