Alexana5's Blog


Im going to Brussels! :)

Alexana back! )
Right now Im preparing to take part in European Art Forum in Belgium.
Today I got a tickets, and - wow! I saw my picture in their page!
That's nice, I like the way I've been introduced.
I also should give a speech on the Forum about art and beauty, so I have time for preparation.
Wish me luck Im so excited!
if you interested, i will share some pictures with you and on my page.
This month was inspiring for me.
I wish you have great day too
Wish you all the b…
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pipx avatar
pipx 7 Nov.

Good luck

Sergej_Tomilino_2 avatar

Best of luck ;)

Stix avatar
Stix 8 Nov.

Best wishes. :) :)

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 Dec.

Okay, belated good luck and all the best :))

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Missing calls

Today, I have kinda introvert mood, but can be honest here.
Last time,I have many and many missing calls from people.
Most of the calls I get, when I busy, or have very important things to happaned.
-That the perfect moments somebody call or write sms like"what's up,lets meet, or asking to decide something, or about cooperation, or about to help".
When I tell,that I can't speak right now,or
Sometimes peoople don't understand that perfect Help its sometime to left alone,and don't …
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Sergej_Tomilino_2 avatar

Nice... er... photo)

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 Dec.

Yes that's a lovely for yourself, well, we all need our "space" sometimes and that means going somewhere/place where you can be totally alone to reflect upon your life and whatever else is happening or not happening in your life....and, oh yah, switch off your handphone and other communication devices so nobody can disturb/intrude into your moments for as long as necessary.

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I just wake up at 5 a.m, as always. but this time without alarm clock.
Morning its a perfect time to think about your life and futher day.
For me,this time is important.
I feel lost sometimes, last two month. Just it happaned, that's why I took my "forgotten" projects and decide to finish them.
I thought it might help to understand myself, and where to go,and on what things to focus.
Im free right now. Free of work and other. Im in Riga,Latvia.
So, that means, I should find my ne…
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Yulia_Krasitskaya avatar

Ты справишься с трудностями и все будет хорошо)

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 7 Oct.

Yulia_Krasitskaya Спасибо большое,Юлия! <3

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 Dec.

Sometimes we humans "worry and think" too much on other people's life and problems that we forget that we too have a life to live. Whatever is to be will be so, and whatever is not to be, will not be so even if we try our best to make it so.

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пост на русском)) Моя кино-страничка

Привет всем !
решила впервые за долгое время написать на русском. И не просто так, а потому что мой сайт с фильмом на русском
Вчера ночью решила сделать страничку - и сделала!
Страничка с фильмом, который снимала около 10 лет назад. Фильм-ужастик.
И я потом еще кроме монтаажа фильма смонтировала еще много разных роликов, топовыми роликами были - с аудиокниги трансерфинг.
И на сайте те самые рагделы.
Фильм, то что за кадром.
Аудио книга Трансерфинг реальности с видео их фильма,советую послушать…
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speculo_ergo_sum avatar

10 years of post-production is a horror for producer:))))))))))))))))))))))))

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Today I record my song ;)

Today one of the interesting things for day, was recording of my song
im waiting to hear it, final file of it.
And i will send it to Moscow - 4 if October, will be one big event in Moscow, and topic of my song - totally Fits in it.
I already send them information, that I going to record it these days.
So it happaned!
Other thing that I moved oll my creative stuff to my flat. soright now it a Boom of paintings etc.
So this days are good for my carieer. I wish I could write more he…
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AnnaVer1 avatar
AnnaVer1 30 Sep.

Какая умница! Желаю удачи)

Sergej_Tomilino_2 avatar

На "Новой волне" будет новая звезда?))

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

you sing too?:))))))))))))))))))))))))

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 Dec.

Good for you girl :))) you can check that off your "must do list" :))

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Depression.What to do? (Pt.1)

I just want to share some thoughts about how to be - if you want to help someone with depression,
or feel depressed yourself.
I had friend,she worked on Saving Lives Phone, so she got many calls from people who were about to suicide,and feel depressed.
She helped them.
The main thing- never try to CHeer up, like your "buddy" friend. It doesn't help.
Those who feel depressed, they more feeling introvert, that extravert to show everything up..and talk about it.
They can talk about …
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speculo_ergo_sum avatar

money spending would help:))))))

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 Dec.

Most depression problems revolved around lack of money, relationship, and incurable ailments.

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Always changing standarts

Perfect body what it is?
I think this topic will be internal.

Always standarts of beauty will change, and some part of woman will love their body and other part, who's size in not fit in -right now standart- will feel their not perfectness,and try to do something with it.
But the main thing that always will be those who "fit and don't"
Some years ago 20-30 those who had body was on top and beauty, and those who were skinny, feel not perfect, and try to eat more.
Right nor is othe…
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Gannochka avatar
Gannochka 30 Sep.

главное быть гармоничной в своем теле

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

when full-figured women were considered as role models of beauty?

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 Dec.

Well, different stroke for different folks seems apt in the subject of "perfect" body :)))

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New opportunities

I just on my way to study and preparing for tomorrow's exam.
I know studing its makes you sit on one place and concentrate...
New opportunities will come into your life after that.

And thinking about opportunities.
I made a list of them and also wishes. It gives motivation,
also looking back for some good and fun thing you had, makes you wish to move more and take your chance!

I sharing this video with you, also did it for Dukascopy, I wish you rememebrr
I want to know, how are y
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RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 Dec.

When you put your thoughts/plans/whatever in writing, you have better chances of actually achieving what you have put down on paper than if you carry that in your head.

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All about motivation

For me this time is about looking back, and see what things are done..and what are left.
I working on finishing all my Portfolios, and deleting useless things.
This last weeks I found really funny videos, some memories, some books, my diaries, met people whom I seen last time 10 years ago.
That's interesting. Also some people had left. And also some things I feel stuck..
I try to clean all things around myself. The more clear, the more bright my future is!
That's right, I don't f…
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My mother's Birthday :D

Yesterday was my Mother's Birthday. She didn't plan to celebrate anything, but we go out, walking around Old Riga Town,
I wrote on my Facebook page,asking about - maybe someone recommend places where to go, because I knew that in some places, they give special B.Day discounts.
10 minutes layer, I got many links, and messeges, even one friend wanted to give his present cart.
I Thanked averyone, and we go.
We hanging around in old town, had girly talks, had fun with French tourists…
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