I have noticed for some time the Dukascopy Traders have had more faith in the UJ than American traders. The following statement came from DB .// Trump’s tweet storms don’t shake up the foreign exchange markets as much as you might think. But when they do, it’s time to get on board. That’s the conclusion of a Deutsche Bank study, which says that when a currency moves by a least a quarter of a percent on his tweets, it keeps going in that direction for at least 12 hours. And that's a lifetime in the world of financial markets.
Chart Trump Twts
[table]When Vladimir Putin talked with Donald Trump Tuesday, the two leaders tried to move past the tensions triggered by last month’s U.S. missile strike on Russia’s ally Syria.
The White House called the conversation “very good.” The Kremlin praised its “constructive” tone. Though short on specifics, the readouts were in stark contrast to the chill visible earlier in the day when Putin met with Angela Merkel and tensions over the Ukraine conflict were on open display.
For Putin, the improved mood music with Washington is important. He’s looking for a foreign policy win as low oil prices drag down his domestic economy. His diplomatic drive continues today when he meets Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, with the Kremlin needing Turkish help to make a Russian-brokered cease fire in Syria stick.
But what Putin really needs are warm words from Trump to keep hopes alive that the Russian leader might get a chance to break out of his isolation. Unfortunately for him, the outlook in Washing…
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