Блог Сообщества Dukascopy

Отсортировано по тагам:  Vocal

GBPusd overview

Recent reports on Ireland have put pressure on sterling assets. In particular, it was important to mention that Michael Barnier, the chief negotiator of the European Union Brexit yesterday, had to respect the Common Market and Customs Union integrity of the UK's proposal on the Irish border. On the other hand, following the statements of the British Minister of Finance Philip Hammond today, he pointed out that Britain is not a normal country like Liechtenstein and that it wants a special partner…
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Brent oil overview

This week, the rise in both the API stock and the EIA stock, while the U.S. today announced yesterday due to Easter holidays, the number of wells drilling Baker Hugo, 6 well fell as 798 took place. We will remember that the number of well described 804 with the record levels reached as TR. News flow ISE International Investment Bank J. P Morgan was one of the most significant co-ordinates that with the rise in rock gas production in the United States, prices could go down to $ 50 by the end of n…
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Forex (or Forex) Forex and what is Forex market?

Forex (or Forex)Forex and what is Forex market?Foreign Exchange Forex or FX is an acronym that is derived from the English words. Foreign exchange (or FX) today, to a large extent used in the sense of foreign currency or foreign currency, although national currencies to a national currency with the Forex from the same root of abbreviation is used for the modified process. These operations are done the Forex market, where forex trading organizations that have the name of the organization this pro…
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Art and creativity

I've been always about to create something new - knitting, draw paintings, writing poems, music and songs!
When you go through hardest period of your life the only thing what keeps you floating is creat something and pull all patios to this with all heart and emotions ❤️ Then the result will truly amazing
All art works help open mind up, break the walls from stereotypes and let think and do out of standards!
One of the most exciting thing I can do everywhere any time is singing ???? Record mysel…
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Ирина Карчик A-Ticket-A-Tacket ( Концерт телепроекта "Знай Наших"

Ирина Карчик A-Ticket-A-Tacket ( Концерт телепроекта "Знай Наших" )
Мой первый кастинг в телешоу, я пела свою любимую песню. +комментарии жюри.
Природа наполнилась разом
Каким-то классическим джазом.
А, может быть, просто мой разум
Хотел бы услышать сейчас,
Прекрасную музыку где-то,
Где песня ещё не допета,
И где среди тёплого лета
Действительно слышится джаз.
Евгений Бочкарёв
Говорят, что джаз не моден,
И прошла его пора,
Что толпе он неугоден,
Не звучит по вечерам!
И поклонников немного
Этой …
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magic_wand avatar
magic_wand 11 Нояб.

Congratulations! You got a Compliment from Dukascopy! +50 points for such beautiful voice!

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 28 Дек.

Very well sung ...and sexy too

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EUR/GBP- Grexit stop, bailout incoming !

  • Charts: 4 H,1 Day
  • Elements used: CCI , Support & Resistance
  • Current Level : 0.7161
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