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it' s hard make a precise foresee for the USDTRY. In fact this pair went up by 80 % in the last 8 months and the ATR oscillator ( that measure the volatility) have just reach its maximum .
Despite it the pair could recorded a correction in the coming period , in fact it is already down by 15% from it last peak and if will continue on this pace could to be reach the resistance placed to 4,75 for Oct .
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This collapse of the Turkish lira against the US dollar was due to the US pastor issue and given the support of the European and Asian countries we will see a strong bearish correction from the 6.95 area and the target will be at the beginning of the crisis at the resistance previously breached at 4.88. Noting the saturation on the indicator of the astocastic on the daily Frame.
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ABOZAHRA74 avatar

good analyize

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on daily chart
the pair reached levels for the first time
i think it will continue in going up because of the problems between the united states and turkey
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Aaamira avatar
Aaamira 14 Sep

dear please check ur pm)

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USDTRY на 1-е Октября

  • Что называется зря радовались. W1 продолжил взлет, теперь уже закрепившись выше трендовой..
  • Поскольку нет никакой техники, которая уложилась в удовлетворительный для меня сценарий я возьму за цель пересечение трендовой и даты. Цель 5.08764
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2018.10.01 12:00 Gann Fann prediction for USDTRY

2018.10.01 12:00 Gann Fann prediction for USDTRY as target on 4.7415
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Exchange rate for USDTRY for the 3rd of September

Tools Used
  • Horizontal and vertical lines
  • Support and resistance lines
  • Chart Pattern
Weekly Chart
Daily Chart
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The bearish divergence present on the USD TRY is evident on the RSI oscillator , this explosive situation could cause an huge correction in the coming weeks
In mine prediction the pair could go down to 23.6% level ( Fibonacci) before find some support . It mean a fall by 10% from the current level .
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USDTRY на 3-е Сентября

  • Есть подозрение, что перед походом вниз пара попробует чуток перехаить или еще раз подобраться к хаю. Попробую север поискать...
  • Исходя из такого предположения найдена цель по пересечению нижней трендовой с датой. 4.68251
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USDTRY for September

On weekly chart we have strong uptrend. MACD is in convergence with the price.
On weekly chart we have strong uptrend. MACD is in convergence with the price.
On daily chart MACD shows convergence. Price fails to rise above 4.500 and met strong resistance above.
MACD shows divergence. ADX fall bellow 25.
CONCLUSION: We see that trend lost strength. Prise may fall a bit. I expect it to be around 4.500 till September
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