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EURusd overview

Yesterday, 1 described in the United States.The quarterly growth rate was revised downwards according to previous calculations, while some fed/FOMC members ' speeches after data will be followed. St. George'sLouis Fed Chairman James Bullard: rapid interest rates will harm the economy, while Atlanta Fed Chairman Raphael Bostic: trade Wars concern, the rapid increase in interest rates can cause the goal to be exceeded, he warned. The leading CPI figures announced in Germany yesterday mostly fell b…
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Brent oil

The announcements before the OPEC meeting in Vienna today continue at Full Speed. Ecuador's Oil Minister Carlos Perez said the global supply agreement is already approaching. OPEC and its partners, as claimed, do not expect them to take a decision to increase daily oil production by 1 million barrels Perez, 600 thousand barrels per day of production seems more likely to increase. The Nigerian petroleum minister said he hoped a consensus would be made today on the production decision, while he ho…
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Tax cut bill

Today, the tax cut bill has past.
Please be cautious at the sunday night open.
This is going to have a big impact on indices and the forex markets.
How is this going to shape markets in 2018?
1 Thing is for sure: volatility is back! Now that the some uncertainty has been taken out of the markets and we can go for a certain direction.
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06 - US Economy

The Labor Department's employment report showed the closure of 33,000 jobs last month, excluding the agricultural sector, the latest indication that storms hurt economic activity in the third quarter. Economists interviewed by Reuters had expected 90,000 jobs. average salaries rose 0.5 percent, compared to an increase of 0.3 percent.
In any normal month, this result would have raised fears in the global markets, but September was not a normal month.
Traders had expected weak numbers due to the…
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MISS DUKASCOPY ...President Trump, Because of the Dodd-Frank Act, AMERICAN LADIES ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO COMPETE. This is most unfair requires your attention in order to level the playing field. tHE TOTAL PRIZE MONEY ON THE TABLE IS TWO MILLION USD. This act needs to be repealed or modified.
Complete the tasks and stagger everyone with your beauty to become the Queen.
$300 000the total prize fund
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06 - G20

Todays blog, is more import not because the changes that can have in the US (and of coruse the impact that can have in the USD), but the changes that can bring to the environment!
Reuters has had access to a text that may be further evidence of President Trump's shift in opinion, this time around, the theme is climate. The US decision to withdraw from the Paris Accord is accompanied, according to the draft final text on climate change achieved by Reuters, of a note stating that "the United State…
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USA outlook

Getting bad economy data and Trump. Yesterday the Treasury capital flow data (for March) showed an inflow in long-term capital by $59.8 billion after $53.1 billion in Feb and com-pared to the 2016 monthly average of $20 billion. China bought $27.9 billion, the most in a year, and Japan, $3.4 billion. Analysts fret and fume about capital flows potentially damaging the dollar, but in practice, the TICS report gets very little attention. There might be some complacency going on, suggest-ing that if…
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Trump Approves Arming Kurds in Syria Over Turkish Objections

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FX Webinar Schedule February 3, 2017

@Dukascopy_News #webinar, USA NFP release and many webinars by our broadcasters @iiivb @vaugFX @TradeReact @nuonrg @KaarelTamm1 @Machukan
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FX Webinar Schedule January 27, 2017

#TGIF schedule --> @nuonrg @TradeReact @Machukan @vaugFX @__SpecialFX__
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