
按标签筛选:  Travelling

My trip to Thailand. Day 1. Bangkok

Несмотря на то что мы прилетели значительно позже, чем было запланировано и были слегка расстроены и уставшие, Бангкок произвел на меня положительное впечатление. Я никогда не бывала в подобном мегаполисе (один Бангкок - это почти 8 наших Латвий ). Вокруг множество высотных зданий, но в тоже самое время как-то уютно, тепло, красиво... ♥ Нет никакой спешки, никто не толкается, народ очень дружелюбный, приветливый.
Движение в городе интуитивное. Вы выходите из самолета, не знаете куда идти, но п…
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cerrah2014 avatar
cerrah2014 13 3月

Wowwwww !  soo carısmatıc

Chibrok avatar
Chibrok 14 3月

i like bangkok lifestyle.

rahmat avatar
rahmat 14 3月

A good travel story blog, but you should take selfie in the video to show that you were there, isn't.


My trip to Thailand. Unsuccessful start

С момента моего возвращения из Таиланда прошло уже 2 недели и вот я наконец-то решила поделиться своими впечатлениями и опытом!
План путешествия в Таиланд был следующий:
  • В 9 утра мы прилетаем в Бангкок, где проводим полтора дня;
  • На следующий день после обеда перелёт в Пхукет, где проводим 6 дней;
  • После Пхукета переезд на Краби на 6 дней и оттуда уже обратно домой через Бангкок.

За день-два до вылета я чувствовала некоторое волнение, хотя для меня это нехарактерно. Обычно перед вылетом меня по…
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kuzyaaa_61 avatar
kuzyaaa_61 12 3月

Тайланд класс ,но я мечтаю во Вьетнаме отдохнуть))

MargaritaDG avatar

Тайланд поцивильней Вьетнама, мне кажется :) Зато Вьетнам дешевле. Красота думаю и там, и там :)

kuzyaaa_61 avatar
kuzyaaa_61 12 3月

Подруга советовала в Няначге отдохнуть (Въетнам),показывала фото-сказка,иначе не сказать. Тайланд тоже интересен. Жду рассказ про него;)


Time to travel

Hello my dear community members! Do you like travelling? As for me, I love it...but there is one problem I was just in 2 countries, it is Bulgaria and Poland. When I was study in school our class had an excursion to Bulgaria, we were there for 3 days. I don't remember all details bcz I was about 13teen years old. And no so long ago I was in Poland - Warsaw. I just made shengen visa and decided to visit it on weekends. Now I have a huge plan. On the next week I will go to embassy of Poland and …
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uber avatar
uber 20 10月

Sasha_spicy  If you go to Prague don't forget to visit the John Lennon Wall. :)

tdbatinkov avatar
tdbatinkov 21 10月

wellcome back to Bulgaria))

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 13 11月

Become successful Forex Trader and you can travel wherever you want and make a good living at the same time.....and absolutely no need to depend on anybody!


To travel is to live

'My little trip to Vilnius"
Since my childhood I have been like travelling. Walking around the city, opening new places, exploaring new things, getting knowing with new people, comparing different cultures and people's mind set-all of these things help me to feel alive.
And recently I've decided to visit Vilnius alone. It was my first expirience of travelling alone. I was a little bit scared, because lots of my friends told me that it is not funny and can be even dangerous to travel alone. But I…
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Why You Should Travel to Minsk!

I want to tell you now a little bit about the best trip I ever went on, and about some of the most fun I ever had in one of my favourite cities I've been to... Minsk, Belarus!
I planned my trip quite quickly, I went to go visit a good friend of mine. I booked where I stayed, and bought my plane tickets, all within less than two months. I also had to obtain a visa from the Belarusian Embassy in Ottawa, Ontario, which was itself a process, but once I got it I was ready to go!
I was in Minsk from …
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RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 28 6月

Very interesting info on Minsk, Belarus...l will add to my "must visit" place to visit before I kick-the-bucket :)

Colton94 avatar
Colton94 29 6月

Ha ha, yes!  I actually just got back from a second trip there, I spent a good part of May and June there.  I should maybe write another article about it.  :)


Work and leisure or ode to France.

I think people, who study foreign languages, are dreamers and travelers in the soul, and for them it is especially important to visit the country of studied language. And I am no exception. And when there appeared the opportunity to go to France as an interpreter, accompanying the group of children, I was pleasantly excited because it was my first professional experience and I was looking forward to the upcoming language practice.
My main goal was to help children and families find contact with…
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rashadali avatar
rashadali 12 3月

nice article  )

williamb avatar
williamb 13 3月

well done

Verona888 avatar
Verona888 17 3月

Thank you)



I continue to talk about Italy: we arrived there in August and it was unreal HOT! We had regret that did not bring hats - do not repeat our mistakes) Day temperature reaches about 40 degrees! Walking on foot - you get tired very quickly and get a headache from the heat. And in the center and near the attractions there are so many people with water bottles and counterfeit branded scarves, which run up to you with bulging eyes and telling you: ONEDOLLARONEDOLLARONEDOLLAR. It begins to feel that it…
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williamb avatar
williamb 25 7月

nice pics

scramble avatar
scramble 25 7月

aaaah Roma :)

Sennna88 avatar
Sennna88 25 7月

great pics and read :)


MEMORIES. ITALY 2013. Part 1 (San – Marino)

I’ve visited not too many countries, but the ones I saw, has left wonderful emotions and incredible memories in my heart. The trip seemed something unreal before the arrival in Rimini. We were greeted by the incredible heat and Pac group. First of all we visited San - Marino. This is one of the smallest countries in the world. Located in southern Europe, it is surrounded by the territory of Italy. The area of ​​the state is only 60.57 km². Place shakes its location, basically the country is real…
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Let's travel! В путешествие!

Hi everybody
Today I would like to talk with you about travelling.
I think every person wants to travel, cause it's really awesome!
So, which places did you go or you still planning to go? Which countries and cultures did you like the most? What is special about a particular country you have been in?
In my opinion, you get a lot of experience, knowledge, and of course, fun! Till now I have been in such countries as: India, Malaysia, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, but I'm not done with travelling,…
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prasono avatar
prasono 25 5月

I liked travelling..

AlinaSelina avatar

Which countries have you been in?

isomere avatar
isomere 3 6月

c'est le moment!



Прогулявшись по улицам практически любого мальтийского города, вы получите смутное чувство, что вы в каком-то из величайших хитов европейской архитектуры - здесь немного Лондона, отголоски Парижа, возможно прикосновение Рима - фасады церквей в стиле барокко. И это не удивительно, финикийцы, карфагеняне, римляне, рыцари Святого Иоанна, французы и англичане - все это прокатилось через века и оставило неизгладимые напоминания об их завоеваниях.
Мальта сегодня - это современное и хорошо работающее…
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Yulia10 avatar
Yulia10 24 11月

ух как мне нравится )

Aviator avatar
Aviator 25 11月

тебе Мальта нравится?

Natalia_Kisenko avatar

да ))

Vlad73 avatar
Vlad73 25 11月

интересно бы попасть на Мальту

ESokol avatar
ESokol 25 11月

а почему именно в Мальту?
