Erka_shildeg's Blog


Medium term report

It is almost halfway to complete the marathon, it will be interesting to see what I have achieved so far and what needs to be corrected.
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Average person spends 12 years on social media

Time spend on the social media
I have not written much about benefits of spending less time on the social networks. This time, I will explain my rationale and knowledge that I obtained through various experiences and findings. Once Mark Twain said, “Astonishing things can be done with the human memory if you will devote it faithfully to one particular line of business”. The recent study report on the social media usage, reveals that average person spends 7 years on TV and 5 years on social medi…
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21 days summary or achievements and how do I proceed next

Does anyone know that we continue posting or we have to stop posting after 21 days of participation? Perhaps Dukascopy support could provide an answer on this. Anyway, I am concluding the outcome after 21 days of the try.
1. Achieving a Goal. Goal one-Positive self-talk. After practicing 21 days of testing, I get to know that realization of what could be the worst situation and then choose to be different will make a change not just bubbling the word meaninglessly. Goal two. I am working on desi…
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Weekly summary

This is the second week summary, I feel that I need to push myself a bit. I am trying to use self-talk to encourage myself but it may not be an effective tool or I am not using it effectively. I will think I will design some other motivational tool for the next week. Use of social media was greatly reduced, it is great. But not to compare self with others is not an easy one. It was manifested in many ways especially when I emotionally up or down, it affects me a lot. It requires fundamental beha…
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Vicktoria avatar
Vicktoria 18 Apr.

Wow! So much details! Very interesting

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Review spreadsheet of the week

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Baseline measures

Yesterday, I uploaded the tools that I am going to use during the 21 days marathon. Today I am entering the the baseline data to measure my progresses.
Baseline measures:
1. Take a break once a week: I normally do not take break and tend to work continuesly so the baseline number is 0
2. Meals should be taken 3-4 hours before sleep: I used to take meals 1 -2 hours before sleep
3. Not to eat while watching tv or working on PC: Baseline data is "often eat while working or more than 70 percent"
4. …
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