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The first blogpost and the reason to create is just to make a try. Let it be a mistake. Then tomorrow I will make a new one.
Here is a nice song related, for the nerds like me who like youtube. And also lyrics for those nerds who love karaoke, too. Hi, world!
Oh baby we can fight like dogs we can fight like cats
a dirty laundry needs a laundry man
maybe the king and the queen should lay off the caffeine
baby breathe before you react
sometimes we do forget to behave
and we regret what we say
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Sharing opposed to Living

I have read recently that most people these days miss important life events because they are busy sharing that event on social networks. Well, the first two pictures are pretty cool and unique to have, but...
Pictures from delivery rooms... give the woman and the baby a break. That is just tasteless. Look at the picture - one guy taking a picture, the father taking a picture with his phone. That guy would witness a kick in the head from me. Hold her hand, not your phone!
Your baby's first steps.…
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Atashi_Tada avatar

that's right! let me just finish this comment and then read some other blog post and hen I'm done :D :D

jezz avatar
jezz 4 Mar.

there was a cool twitt
- When will you grow up? Tomorrow, today I have some laundry to do

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