Blog de la Communauté FX

Filtrés par étiquette:  Smile

Bye-bye, Mr. Gray!

Это отличное задание и повод вспомнить прекрасные моменты!
Я просто обожаю это фото за искренность и чистое веселье! На фото я со своей подругой и другом. Помниться этот день просто отлично. Так как я являюсь организатором и постановщиком конкурсов красоты,в этот день у меня был мой конкурс. Всегда на таких мероприятиях я переживаю за всех и больше всех, потому-что всегда на тебе лежит ответственность -а вспомнят ли девочки все постановки? А включит ли вовремя музыку звукорежиссёр, как будет реа…
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Yetikola avatar
Yetikola 25 fév


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Get well soon! Выздоравливайте!

Hi again to everybody =)
During the last week, I mostly sit at home. Why? Because I caught a cold. So, my nose and cough don't let me get a normal rest. And yesterday I just decided to go with my boyfriend and friend in the city, they had their thing to do, so I joined them. Even though I was sick, my nose was getting better. This day ended very good. I did some shopping and I was glad about my purchases. Moreover, I went to Incitement, it was about strong women. There were 4 performing women, w…
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s_amira avatar
s_amira 28 mai

Скорейшего выздоровления!

AlinaSelina avatar

Спасибо =)

isomere avatar
isomere 3 juin

très touchant)

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О заботе. About caring.

Был теплый, летний день прошлого года. Мы с другом собирались переходить дорогу, и мы увидели, что позади нас очень медленно шла бабушка. Зеленый свет только загорелся и она явно хотела успеть перейти дорогу, но одной ей это сделать было наверняка нелегко, и мы с другом подождали её. Когда она дошла до нас, она просто молча встала по серединке, взяла нас за руки и мы стали переходить дорогу. В конце, когда она нас отпустила, она подняла голову на нас и сказала "спасибо." Какие же у неё были добр…
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isomere avatar
isomere 22 mai

pic from the past)

AlinaSelina avatar


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Most people who saw my photos say that there is no smile on them. And I can’t no agree with them. Why is so? If to be honesty, I don’t know exactly. One of the reasons may be that it seems for me that without smile the photo can be more beautiful. Or I don’t like my smile. And maybe I keep this emotion for other special moments of my life..
I like to smile in a real life, but when I see camera or even someone who want to take photo, I make serious face. It can be like habit, such as «the duck l…
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anna_t avatar
anna_t 20 avr

на фото главное-глаза) ты глазами улыбаешься)

Victoria912 avatar

Я думаю, можно попробовать.

ANABEVZ avatar
ANABEVZ 20 avr

anna_t  Спасибо, Ань, что заметила) Да, скорее всего! Глаза ведь - зеркало души)

Starsmil avatar
Starsmil 20 avr

у искренности не может быть изъянов по определению

fxsurprise8 avatar

smile for the camera :(

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Лучшие вещи в жизни — бесплатны: объятия, улыбки, друзья, поцелуи, семья, сон, любовь, смех и
хорошее настроение!
The best things in life - free of charge: a hug, a smile , friends , kisses, family , sleep, love, laughter and good humor

В нашем мире, в такое непростое время, чаще всего мы можем встретить разочарования, отсутствие улыбки.. Но относится ли это к нам? Можем ли мы изменить все это? Мой ответ - однозначно ДА!
Стоит оглянуться и мы найдем то, что заставит нас улыбаться. Даже шорох ли…
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Minute for Humor)))))

Hello Community!
It is Friday and weekend is coming !! Whoohoo !!!!!!!
So as it is already Friday's afternoon and the day coming to the end we already can relax a bit after hard working week )) I ready to help you! I have told you before that smile is the medicine from everything so the more you laughing the more healthy you are! Please watch the video and smile, smile, smile !! I think everyone already watched clip SIA " Chandelier" with participation of already famous 11-years old girl dancer.
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verindur avatar
verindur 27 fév

Gud 1. Excellent Spirit )))))))))))))).

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 28 fév


demovslive avatar
demovslive 28 fév

fun...i like it :)

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2 mar

demovslive Happy you like it! I love such TV shows which makes me laugh for a while))))

maximemc8 avatar

ahahah amazing!

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About 100 Flowers Just For Smile :)

Hello Everybody!
How many times you met people who can do "crazy" great good things, without asking you something back?
Sometimes we wondering Why they do so?
Or the same with charity things, many times I herd one question - "Why you do so? Nobody pay you for that?"
And we sometimes don't understand motivation, motivation of Just make a good things, without asking something back!
I want to share with you one story, happened with me and my friend Katrina one month ago.
We walked on the street …
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Stix avatar
Stix 24 aou

I am sure you will remember that forever... :)

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Miss Dukascopy #1 - I did it!!!

Dear all,
I want to say huge THANK YOU to all Dukascopy team, organizers and people who supported me and voted for me in the final battle! You all are great and made my life much brighter.
I made a wish this summer to win this contest and it worked, but for sure - only thanks to you, guys I smile for you and that’s one big happy smile!
Congratulations to all other ladies with their TOP 10 victory – we all did a great job and should be very proud of ourselves! Wish you good luck in other Dukasc…
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Daytrader21 avatar

Atashi you rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Atashi_Tada avatar

@Daytrader21 thanks! :) we all rock here!!!

aslamhammad avatar

congrats :)

jipper avatar
jipper 19 nov

Very well done! Enjoy the celebrations :)

Atashi_Tada avatar

aslamhammad & jipper - thank you so much!!

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Hello i will start this blog with a Julia Roberts quotes ...She has the most beautiful smile i ever seen...Well not every day is a smiling day So i suggest why not to start today with a beautiful smile , smile to the sun, smile to the people , smile to your heart.. Sometimes we feel depresed, stressful, in anxiety, from work , other people , debts ,death why not to start your day with positive thoughts and to smile ... Today is a new day for me ...!Start your day by listening your favor…
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swordfish avatar

:) :) :) :) like this you mean???? :P

Eltjon avatar
Eltjon 11 sep

and i think also too like swordfish :)

Erialda avatar
Erialda 12 sep

No i mean like this :DDDDDD......:P

Panzer avatar
Panzer 1 oct

Good medicine and advice really, as an important reminder!!

ImranMughal99 avatar

Good and nice

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