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More than anything, we’re crowd followers

I was reading an interesting article on what researchers are learning from big data on how shoppers behave. Buying and selling in financial markets isn’t much different from the grocery store in many ways so there are plenty of lessons to take away. This one, in particular, was striking. Many generic drugs are identical to name-brand medicine so it’s a great place to study why consumers prefer one over the other. The main theory was that people didn’t understand that Aspirin is just acetylsalic…
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mag avatar
mag 20 Oct.

I will not go into the technical issue of the research drug vs generic drug, I focus on the herding behavior of human beings, the example that we bring is equal to panic in trading.

geula4x avatar
geula4x 22 Oct.

+1 Liked: Very interesting topic! IMHO crowd-following in Forex trading is a one-way ticket to margin call ;-) Happy trading :-)

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What to expect from Mr. Governor?

This time of year is commonly known as `the silly season` in the UK, as nothing much tends to come out of government, lots of people are away, and the news media tends to get a bit desperate for substantive content. So it seems that when Mr. Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England, spoke last week, there was no shortage of comment. From my angle, he did nothing unexpected, and as suggested, his `forward guidance` told us little new and was subject to several caveats. The link to unemploy…
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mag avatar
mag 13 Aug.

It is true, given the doubt prevention in the worst of situations.If it also matches whereas the least, it seems that Murphy's law is met.

annatimone avatar
annatimone 13 Aug.

I agree. I hate to be a pessimist, but it’s good to expect and prepare for the worst. And hope and pray for the best.

Erialda avatar
Erialda 14 Aug.

great article...

annatimone avatar
annatimone 14 Aug.

Thank you very much, Erialda.

sircris avatar
sircris 15 Aug.

Very professional post. +1

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