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Мои питомцы - морские свинки

Этим летом мне посчастливилось приобрести двух замечательных морских свинок.
Девочка по имени Шанель , розеточной породы представляет собой источник энергии,который не оставит равнодушным никого. Веселая , характерная и очень голосистая .
Мальчика зовут Шнайдер и он гладкошерстной породы. Полная противоположность Шанели- суперспокойный и любвеобильный.
Парочку я взяла не только, чтоб они не скучали, а скорее для разведения. Конечно же в зоомаркете мне сказали,что это очень просто. Поговорив с за…
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Animals Online

Probably, now there are almost no families which have no pet. And it isn't important: rodent it, bird, cat or dog. The pet becomes family member)) And here now in a trend to create the page on social networks for the favourites, to load into the Internet the photo of the loveliest and most interesting animals, many people even make money on this hobby. And, perhaps, to someone it will seem silly, but I consider it amusing. Animals are able to surprise, be nice, delight. We will remember a lovely…
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mcquak avatar
mcquak 16 6月

We have advertisement across whole country where "Tuna" is acting in :)

Tori_V avatar
Tori_V 17 6月

@mcquak good))) do you have your own pet?

mcquak avatar
mcquak 17 6月

Tori_V  I do have little sweet chihuahua we call him Neklid (Unrest) :)

Tori_V avatar
Tori_V 17 6月

@msquak вау, круто))) У меня есть шиншиллы (на фото)


Fashion for dogs. Made in Taiwan.

Happy Monday Community!
How are you doing? Hope you are fine)))
You know fashion is a bit crazy nowadays. I become sure about this day by day. I bump into interesting information this morning and would like to hear your opinion!!!!
In Taiwan they launch new fashion for dogs haircut! Now the square or round shapes are in trend! OMG!!!! Guys, probably I am too old fashioned but, believe me, I would never do in my life such a style for my dog!)))) For me it is a bit too much! At least now I underst
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maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 27 4月

ahahahahah such a crzay people ! i guess they also eat them!! loool

WallStreet6 avatar

the square head dog looks terrible

Joe_Vulcan avatar
Joe_Vulcan 18 10月

Waw! what a sense of fashion.

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 12月

Well, if that doggy likes it, then it's okay I supposed!
