annatimone's Blog


$20k for a hotdog in the eye at ball

A baseball fan is suing the Kansas City Royals after a mascot lobbed a hotdog that hit him in the eye. The poor bloke had to have two operations to fix his peeper and it’s still not right. Baseball clubs are covered if a ball hits a spectator but courts overturned an early hearing saying that he should have been paying attention. The appeal said that while you should expect a ball to hit you you should be expecting a hotdog. The case is ongoing.
Given how much people eat at baseball games I’m su…
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mag avatar
mag 4 Nov

the news is funny, maybe stripe absurdity; except for the wounded

alibaba avatar
alibaba 24 Mar


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Happy Diwali!

or Dipawali !
Otherwise known as The Festival of Lights. It’s the most important festival in the Indian calendar.
A wonderful celebration that now has huge significance for all religions across the whole country. Thanks are given for the harvest, and lights are lit. And many sweets are eaten!The festival celebrates the victory of good over evil, light over darkness and knowledge over ignorance, and that’s something we can all hope for in these markets!
I’m wishing my Indian friends in Dukascop…
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Nadin5794 avatar


Nadin5794 avatar

я уже писала,что мне безумно приятно было общаться с вами в рамках этого конкурса как с интересным собеседником,наши дискуссии зачастую помогали мне ориентироваться в фундаментальных данных... вы в очередной раз доказали,что я была права тогда!))..

Victor avatar
Victor 2 Nov

Many Thanks for you wishes and wish you the same. Hope to see more of your posts here in the community.

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Forex Americas wrap: Euro lets out a shriek

Forex headlines for October 31, 2013:
•. Initial jobless claims 340K vs 338K
•. Chicago PMI 65.9 vs 55.0 but caveats apply
•. Canadian Aug GDP +0.3% vs +0.1% exp
•. Numerous banks make calls for ECB to cut rates next week
•. BOE’s Weale says unemployment has surprised in the past, could do it again
•. Rand Paul throws in the towel on Yellen blockade
•. Gold down $20 to $1324
•. WTI crude down 50-cents to $96.27
•. CAD leads, EUR lags
The euro fell the most in four months, plunging…
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mag avatar
mag 31 Oct

Thanks Anna

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5 Great Ways to Drink Yourself Skinny

Drinking empty calories is never the way to lose weight, but I found few low-cal drinks that are sure to help you shed some pounds if you're eager to keep drinking, as well as a few other drinks that will help curb those cravings and fill you up to avoid snacking and overeating.
[b][b]1. McWilliams Harmony Wine[/b][/b]If you're a wine drinker on a diet, you'll have to get on board with McWilliams Harmony Wine. McWilliams Wines has joined forces with Weight Watchers to launch a lower-alcohol range of wines…
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Forex Americas wrap: Nowotny cracks the whipsaw

Forex headlines for October 29, 2013:
• US retail sales Sept -0.1% vs 0.1% expected
• Retail sales control group +0.5% vs 0.4%
• ECB’s Nowotny: No realistic prospect of refi or deposit rate cut
• US October consumer confidence 71.2 vs 75.0 expected
• US Case-Shiller house price index +12.82% y/y vs 12.5%
• US Aug business inventories +0.3% vs +0.3%
• Carney says BOE won’t tighten until ‘real trajectory’ in recovery
• …
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mag avatar
mag 30 Oct

thanks Anna.

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How Will the Syria Conflict Affect the Markets?

How Will the Syria Conflict Affect the Markets? Without a doubt, the situation in Syria is having an effect on the markets. Specifically, the threat of a US military intervention is affecting the price of oil in particular. For example, oil prices have slowly increased in price since the US government made it known that a military strike on Syria is likely to occur. Syria’s Effect on the Price of Oil While Syria produces a modest amount of oil at approximately 180,000 barrels per day, the count…
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Haynes6EU avatar

Syria is headline this week

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Syria continues to dominate. Where do we stand now?

United Nations: The inspection team has now arrived on site in Syria after 2 days of delays. Bank Ki-Moon says inspection team “needs time to do its job” in Syria. Whether the US, UK and France will wait for their findings remains to be seen. UN envoy Brahimi says international law is clear that UN Security Council resolution is needed for military action. That hasn’t exactly stopped it previously has it? Also, a UN nuclear watchdog report says Iran has expanded its uranium enrichment program a…
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What is Next for Syria?

I don’t want to be too negative, but the escalation of violence in Syria is one of the scariest things I have come across since the Bay of Pigs Invasion! If the Assad regime is confirmed as using chemical weapons in an attack on the population - which allegedly has killed around 1000 people – the political ramifications could be huge. President Obama has already said that such an attack would signify a crossing of `the red line` and this morning, France has insinuated that force may well be nee…
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Zett avatar
Zett 22 Ago

one thing must be done. get off with any plans from Syria. stop financing or arming any islamist fanatics. Your neo-fascist regime now testing the patience of the rest of the world. Everything has been completely tired of your "care." Stop the policy of double standards and engage better with your internal problems, before it is too late, before you are not at the beginning of the same, that you have arranged in Libya, Egypt and Syria.
Boomerang always returns.

annatimone avatar

I think this whole terrorist rigmarole is first and foremost a chimera created by the western intelligence services, mostly British and US. You should read “The Age of Oil’ by Leonardo Maugeri. The Americans where losing the war, their planted well paid foreign mercenaries were switching sides. This is what they need to sell to the rest of the world to justify an invasion.

annatimone avatar

And of course, nothing like beating up on another country to distract people from issues at home, the US is hardly in a position to preach morality to the rest of the world and unfortunately for Syrians, Syria is just the easy-ish target of the moment which satisfies multiple political agendas. The pretence that Obama gives two squats about individual Syrians is a laughable facade and in any case, there was compelling evidence that it was the rebels who used the chemical weapons.

seediee avatar
seediee 24 Ago

So upsetting what's happening in Syria. Just watching the news and can't believe my eyes or ears!
Its shocking and disturbing.
The red line has been crossed 100 times! :(((

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Commodity Trading in Jeopardy as Fed Reviews Policies

The Federal Reserve is considering reversing decade-old rule allowing banks to ship oil and storing metal. How it could influence commodity trading? If the Federal Reserve reverses the rule allowing banks ship oil and store metal, it would be the biggest exclusion of banks from a market and it would put banks commodity-trading business in jeopardy. Most likely, commodity prices would stabilized or even go lower, because of the heavy impact it will have on banks. And for the banks, it woul…
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mag avatar
mag 23 Jul

Obama liquid part of the financial liberalization of Clinton?
the answer is complicated and deserves his previous reflection.

annatimone avatar

Entire financial and subprime mortgage crisis definitely linked back go Alan Greenspan. Greenspan kept extremely low interest rates for a long time, encouraged people to buy/invest in housing, give a lot of freedom (and closing Fed’s eyes) to banks activities and list goes on and on. First of all, banks need to fix their balance sheets to get rid of bad assets and than everything else should come (capital requirements, separation of activities and such).

Nadin5794 avatar

то есть сами американцы говорят о том что назревает новый мыльный пузырь и теперь он в банковском секторе?..

annatimone avatar

Well, sure. Financial crisis was caused by the banks. There are speculations that we have minor bubble in real estate now. But who knows?!

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What do you think about Brazil?

Happy Monday!.. I thought I would start Monday with a puzzling question. Any thoughts about Brazil? Brazil raised key interest rate a half-point to 8.5 pct. Do you think it’s good or bad for Brazil? I think it will slow down Brazilian economy, because raising interest rates will slow down exports. The higher costs of living for some or, more precisely, higher cost survival for most is unavoidable. Especially, small businesses will feel the impact and suffer tremendously. Politica…
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