Sasha_spicy's Blog


The Queen of Epatage

Epatage? hmm...if we are talking about epatage in my clothes then I dissapoint you, bcz I don't have such a specific clothes to make people staring at me! BUT! If we are talking about epatage behavior then it's right about me! imagine the picture: u and your friends walking on the street and u hear loud music somewhere near you, Sasha automatically run to that place, see the crowd of people and begin to DANCE! YEAH! And as usual one drunk man from the street trying to dance with me))haha alc…
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cerrah2014 avatar
cerrah2014 27 Dec.

Dancıng ıs one of the best thıng ın World ,

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My 2017 achievements

Привет, комьюнити! Я расскажу вам в трех блогах, как конкурс Miss Dukascopy повлиял на меня, мои мысли, предложения и прочие заметки
Итак, начну я с того, что моя подруга, которая раньше здесь принимала участие под ником Natali_Niyazova, рассказала мне об этом конкурсе.
До этого я ныла, что мне нужно подтянуть свой разговорный английский язык, узнать кто как пишет, какие бывают сокращения в словах, типа brb - be right back и прочее. Узнав от нее, что здесь можно говорить с людьми с разных точек …
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Qurcana avatar
Qurcana 25 Dec.


cerrah2014 avatar
cerrah2014 25 Dec.

soo kınddd

Debian avatar
Debian 25 Dec.

Bueno, no sabía que conocieras a Natali_Niyazova, espero y deseo que le valla todo muy bien.

La parte buena de internet y estar en una comunidad como esta de dukascopy, también es como te decía Natali, la posibilidad de poderse comunicar con personas de países a los que probablemente nunca viajaremos y a las que nunca conoceremos.

En tu caso con Natali, imagino y deduzco que ya os conociais de antes.

khalidamassi avatar


cerrah2014 avatar
cerrah2014 27 Dec.

soo nıceeee

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Task 3.1 My 2017 achievements

Продолжаю писать о влиянии конкурса Мисс на меня
Итак! Невероятно приятными ощущениями было получить заработанные деньги на счет! В октябре был мой первый заработок в интернете! Я была очень радостная в тот день)) получив такую же сумму и в Ноябре, я пошла в визой центр и подала на шенген визу! Первую визу мне открыли на 5 дней и поехала в Варшаву, тратить все заработанное Как раз нарвалась на скидки в 70%. Домой приехала с 5$ и полными пакетами новых вещей) Dukascopy одевает Dukascopy дае…
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RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 25 Dec.

yup...more testing testing testing....okay...passed! : )

cerrah2014 avatar
cerrah2014 25 Dec.


Debian avatar
Debian 25 Dec.

Está bien lo de abrir cuenta real, espero que te vaya muy bien...

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Task 3.2 My 2017 achievements

В третьем блоге к заданию я хочу написать о пожеланиях и нескольких заметках.
Когда сюда попадает новенькая девушка, она теряется. Так было и со мной. Сайт большой, разделов много, очень сложно разобраться во всем. Мне повезло, мне показала все подруга. Я думаю, что так мало активных участниц, в первую очередь из-за того, что новенькие девушки зарегистрировавшись в конкурсе видят надпись "Загрузи свои 5 фотографий", а дальше они бездействуют, не понимают что и как дальше. И даже раздел To Do Lis…
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RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 25 Dec.

yup!...testing testing testing ...okay...good connection : )

Lovely_bee avatar
Lovely_bee 25 Dec.

мне понравилась идея с половинками фото )

cerrah2014 avatar
cerrah2014 25 Dec.

soo nıceee

Debian avatar
Debian 25 Dec.

No sé como funciona lo del 911, supuse que era para teléfonos y yo no suelo utilizar teléfonos; pero todas las mejoras que consideres que se pueden hacer en la web y cosas que no funcionan, imagino que también en 911, puedes comunicarlas en

a ver si pueden y quieren mejorar lo que hay.

khalidamassi avatar

Pro one ++++

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How Ecuador celebrate New Year

  • Ecuador
In Ecuador, exactly at midnight, the dolls will be burned under the so-called "lamentations of widows" who mourn their "bad husbands". As a rule, "widows" are depicted as men dressed in women's clothing, with make-up and in wigs .. Anyone who wants can bring his doll to the city center and burn it there. It is not exactly known how this ritual appeared. But all the heathen nations firmly believed in the power of fire, fire is purification.
In Ecuador believe that if you wear a yellow sha…
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cerrah2014 avatar
cerrah2014 18 Dec.

oo soo ınterestıng

Debian avatar
Debian 18 Dec.

Aquí en España también hacemos fuegos; pero en otras fechas, con motivo de otras celebraciones.
A lo mejor te sorprendería saber que en España cuando suenan las doce campanadas de fin de año lo que se suele hacer es comer 12 uvas, una por cada campanada. En Madrid, hay una plaza que se llama Puerta del Sol, donde está el Km 0 y de donde parten las carreteras radiales, allí se reune mucha gente el día de fin de año frente a un reloj a comer las uvas y beber cava (el cava es un vino Español similar al champán Francés)

Debian avatar
Debian 18 Dec.

Debian avatar
Debian 18 Dec.

Se supone que el enlace debe escribirse todo junto sin espacios en el navegador

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 23 Dec.

That's a lot of fire

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How Japan celebrate New Year

  • Japan
In Japan parents buy new clothes for their children by the New Year, in which they meet him. According to their ancient belief it brings good luck for a whole year and good health. On New Year's Eve children hide under the pillow a picture depicting a sailboat on which seven fairy magicians are swimming - seven patrons of happiness.
All the main streets in northern Japanese cities are decorated with large ice sculptures, palaces of ice.
The table is served with symbolic food: rice - a sign…
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cerrah2014 avatar
cerrah2014 18 Dec.

soo cool

Debian avatar
Debian 18 Dec.

Creo que siempre he tenido la duda, de si en Japón los años empiezan el 1 enero y si están en el mismo año que nosotros.

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 23 Dec.

very lovely lights

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How Cuba celebrate New Year

  • Cuba
New Year's holiday for children in Cuba is called the Day of Kings. But these are not just kings, but they are wizard kings, they bring gifts and give them to children, they are called Melchor, Balthazar and Gaspar. On the eve of the children write letters to them in which they tell of their cherished desires.
Cubans on New Year's Eve fill everything with water, dishes, bottles, buckets and at midnight they start pouring it out of the windows. So all the people of the Island of Freedom wish…
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cerrah2014 avatar
cerrah2014 18 Dec.


Debian avatar
Debian 18 Dec.

Bueno, ya veo que en Cuba, las costumbres son muy similares a las españolas, menos en lo del agua.

Cuba fue algo así, como una provincia española hasta los últimos años del siglo XIX.

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 23 Dec.

Great fun & merry making

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How Great Britain celebrate New Year

  • Great Britain
For the new year, the British show the childreт perfomances according to the old English fairy tales.
A cheerful procession leads Lord Disorder, followed by other magical characters: Punch. March Hare, Hobby Horse, Humpty Dumpty and others. Аll night long street vendors sell balloons, peeples, toys, whistles, masks and many other New Year's attributesso finding something to taste will be very easy.
Before going to bed the children put a plate on the table so that Santa Claus put gi…
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RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 17 Dec.

How Labuan celebrate New Year : )

Sasha_spicy avatar

RahmanSL  that's funny))))

cerrah2014 avatar
cerrah2014 18 Dec.


RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 23 Dec.

lovely lights and decorations

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How France celebrate New Year

  • France
According to tradition New Year in France is celebrated among friends, at the same time as the Christmas holiday with the family. In general almost all European countries celebrate St. Sylvester's Day on December 31. France was no exception. On this day the French are having fun, eating a lot, walking very noisily and waiting for the coming of the New Year. Many walk in Sylvester-clauses it is a French fancy dress.
On Christmas Eve Pierre Noel (Père Noël - French Santa Claus) leaves gifts…
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cerrah2014 avatar
cerrah2014 18 Dec.

sooo goood

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 23 Dec.

just as grand as England's celebration

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How Italy celebrate New Year

Chao Community! In this and subsequent blogs I will tell you how the New Year is celebrated in different countries of the world. So let's get started!
  • Italy
According to legend, the Fairy Befana flies on a magic broom. It is a kind fairy who unlocks the door with small golden key. She enters the room while the children sleep and put presents in stockings which they have hung out before. And the one who misbehaved or studied badly the fairy Befana puts a coal and a pinch of ashes.
Italians really…
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cerrah2014 avatar
cerrah2014 18 Dec.

ooo bıg arena from roman empıre

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 23 Dec.

verylovely and grand

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