Isahanova's Blog


Flash back

Hello, dear friends !!
I'm sure, that all 10 girls that are in final have been waiting this day very long time.... The day when new Miss Dukascopy (2016) will be known! No is a little bit less that 6 hours until winner will be named. And just to relax for a while I want you to have a look , throw back to tha May2016.
On May 27th me, as Miss April and Alesya (Miss March) - we arrived in Geneva. This video, that I watched for 10 and more times, make me smile, make me so happy, that I've been ther…
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ak10 avatar
ak10 18 Nov.


Vasil_Nik avatar
Vasil_Nik 19 Nov.

good video!

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Nature all over

Today me and my colleague were filming one more reportage. And this time it was about wedding dresses. but not about simple dresses, that we all got used to, but with some elements of flowers or made absolutely from flowers.
Of course it have some problems, like weight. Or really obvious one - if they are alive - they will probably die in some hours. So you must think about second dress, or spray them with water all the time.
We went to one florist's house, where she showed us how to make bride…
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Book in Latvia

Today I have made one more reportage on my work. It was about new exhibition in latvian national library and it will last for at least 5 years. It's name is "Book in Latvia". This exhibition showed up more than 100 original books, hand writes that are or Latvian territory (current) from 13th century.
This is unique exhibition because there you can not just see them, but also feel. Smell. Touch. Hear. Did you see books that are learning how to fly? Here you can see it! Wondeful..Most exiting par…
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This is such a beautiful and romantic city that I visited some days ago. If you read William Shakespeare's novel about Romeo and Juliette, than you know and understand why it is so romantic... Of course ! Because exactly in this city was all their tragic story. Still, house of Juliette is not the only one reason to go there. In my video that I made special for you you can see some other interesting places there and how life goes there.
So, enjoy this reportage and travel a lot, because travelin…
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Summer Needs to Slow Down

Hello, dear friends
My summer started in the end of May and now are the last days of it. But what can I say is that this summer was just amazing!
Okay, so now I would like to tell you my 15 reasons why it was so good
1. In the end of May I was in Geneva, because I became Miss April. It was so nice to come there again. It was my love from the first sight and God let me go there again.
2. In July I went to Moscow to the audition for The Voice project. Unfortunately, I didn't pass, however, it was…
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FXRabbit avatar
FXRabbit 29 Aug.

Very nice!

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Get ready!

Fashion never stop, it just goes further every day. New ideas, new appearances and today I've read 10 new trends that will be popular already this Autumn.
1. Unusual arrows. In place of classic arrows came fantasy arrow: double, in the form of triangles, any unusual shape. Yes, it really is the actual trend, and you definitely should take the risk.
2. Glitters! Glitter is best applied with a brush using a special glue. Brightens eyelids, the corners of the eyes or add glitter under the eyebrows.…
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adiray avatar
adiray 18 Aug.

interesting read.

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11 habits

Hello, dear friends! Today I want to share with you 11 interesting fact, habits of beautiful and healthy people.
First of all - walk for 30 minutes every day. And it's just a minimum. Chinese people say that your normal quantity of walked steps must be at least 10 000! Yes, it's hard to make your self do it, but it really works!
2. Sleeping! As you remember I have done for you several webinars about sleep and about our brain, that is working 24 hours per day and it never relax, so y…
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Uladzimir avatar
Uladzimir 17 Aug.

полезная информация

AND avatar
AND 17 Aug.

Если человек живёт не осознано, то ему сложно выполнить хоть один из подобных пунктов. А так хорошие советы:)

Isahanova avatar
Isahanova 17 Aug.

Ну да, есть такое, но попробовать ничего не мешает, в любом случае :)

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Mirrors are dangerous?

For 15 years, the scientists of one of the New York Institute studied the effect of the mirrors on the human body with the help of highly sensitive magnetic detector , and they were able to establish some interesting facts.
It was found that people who spend a lot of time in front of a mirror, and especially if they are long look myself in the eye, after a while begin to feel tired and even memory loss. Experimenters have shown that mirrors accumulate a human energy, acting as energy "vampires"…
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ArmBagrat avatar
ArmBagrat 17 Aug.

Wow... And what about you - do you like mirrors ? :D

Uladzimir avatar
Uladzimir 17 Aug.


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Hello, dear all! So, today I went on premier of film Nerve, where were shooting Emma Roberts and Dave Franco. This film became popular even before people have seen it and my personal mark is 8/10, I really liked it! But, for some reasons I a liiiittle bit disappointed in it. One and the main is that personally I didn't drown in this story for 100%.. Yes, script is very catchy and exiting, but I didn't get on "nerve" for all of me. I definitely liked how actors act.
Returning to script - in some…
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What is love?

"You are responsible for those who tamed " The phrase of " The Little Prince " by Antoine de Saint - Exupery long been traveling the world in the form of the slogan , which is particularly popular with environmentalists and animal advocates . Not only them . In relations with relatives , we also attach great importance to the responsibility and understanding .So , you are responsible for those who you love.
Care - does not mean to give a huge teddy bear for Valentine's Day or bouquets or 101 ro…
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