Hello, dear friends! Today I want to share with you one...no... 11 interesting fact, habits of beautiful and healthy people.
First of all - walk for 30 minutes every day. And it's just a minimum. Chinese people say that your normal quantity of walked steps must be at least 10 000! Yes, it's hard to make your self do it, but it really works!
2. Sleeping! As you remember I have done for you several webinars about sleep and about our brain, that is working 24 hours per day and it never relax, so you definitely can help you organism with normal night sleeping.

3. Water is life. Not a secret at all, that we must drink a lot of water daily. It doesn't mean that you should drink 5 l of water, but it also doesn't mean that one glass of water is enough. Make your self do it, even if you don't want to.

4. Eat consciously.If you eat the longer it will help you to relax and enjoy what you eat. Thus, you will eat a lot less.

5. Stretching. It will make your mood and feeling way better.

6. Snacking NUTS. As we all know we should it 5 times a day + some small snacks. And the best choose are nuts. The choice of snacks that are high in protein, like nuts will help you to hold out until the next meal.

7. Intensity exercise for a few seconds. Studies have shown that 30-second spontaneous exercise performed at high intensity, can help to reduce cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases

8. Stop eating bad food. Moreover about it you can watch my webinar, that will be TOMORROW!

9. Relax. It will take only a few minutes that actually won't change anything in your life. Make a brake, if you work with computer, stand up or just stop thinking - let's refresh your brain.

10. 80/20. Try all day have 80 percent of the healthy food and only 20 percent are not very healthy.

11. Cooking! Eat too much? The number of calories in restaurant meals can be instructive. If you master a few simple dishes that you can whip up at home, it will help you save calories and make sure that you do not eat a lot of processed foods.

Let's try it !
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