

Great Quotes From Warren Buffet

  1. When we are young we tend to spend all the income we get. And the quicker we can realize that we should save some of it to invest in creating a second source of income, the better. This will help us to reduce our dependence on our job and have a more stress-free life.
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ANABEVZ avatar
ANABEVZ 2014年10月15日

Thank you for such post! I like best of all 2nd quote)

isomere avatar
isomere 2014年10月16日

Les conseils bateaux de milliardaires sont toujours écoutés))

Jignesh avatar
Jignesh 2014年10月18日

good post! very inspirational

isomere avatar
isomere 2014年10月18日

Pour le 5, il est très en deçà de la vérité!!


How to Simplify Your Trading

To simplify your trading you should follow the easy steps mentioned below.
Be realistic
Set realistic expectations. You can’t start making a lot of money quickly. To make money you should have an effective trading method and also consistently apply a lot of discipline and patience to that method over a long period of time.
Focus on major currency pairs
Why complicate your trading with exotic currencies that are usually difficult to trade because of erratic price movement and lack of market depth…
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ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 2014年10月22日

you wrote so many blogs about FX....as I know you dont trade in live.....but why you even dont participate in trader contest then? you should try, as it seems you know FX theoretically as well.

Elani avatar
Elani 2014年10月23日

ilonalt :) thanks for commenting, Actually I haven't opened a trading account yet, but once I decided to try demo but when opened the trading platforme I realized that I know nothing and closed it ))) now I am attending some seminars, so hope to start participating next month

isomere avatar
isomere 2014年10月23日

Quand Ilonat prend part à un concours, je fuis)))

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 2014年10月23日

strange, why are you writing then if you know nothing about it :))) anyway, wish you good luck and hope to see you in trader contest soon :)

Elani avatar
Elani 2014年10月23日

))))) I am learning and writing at the same time, I also hope to start trading soon


What is the Key To Success?

Habits are the keys to success in every aspect of our life as well as in trading. How to develop strong habits? The answer is – through consistency. Whatever you do consistently becomes a habit. If you consistently go to bed early and wake up early, it becomes a habit. If you consistently use a risk management plan and stick to your trading strategy without over-trading, you are likely to develop some very powerful trading habits that will result in becoming a successful trader.
Thus, consistenc…
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DominguezV avatar
DominguezV 2014年10月15日

Alcanzar la consistencia no es tarea fácil, depende de la capacidad de cada persona para levantarse cada vez que se cae, practica-realización con perseverancia, gracias Elani!

isomere avatar
isomere 2014年10月16日

Comment avoir le consistency....


Information overload

Our brain is like a sponge. Sponge absorbs water until it gets fully saturated and after that there is no sense to put more into it as it will start leaking.
Our brain absorbs the information it receives and when it hits a mental saturation point you should better stop as too full brain may cause the following signs.
  • making mistakes
  • forgetting to do something
  • becoming indecisive
  • becoming unproductive
  • procrastinating
  • getting stressed out
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JvdS87908 avatar
JvdS87908 2014年10月07日

Hey, I can relate to that .......  but in computers you can put limits and rules, that is more challenging to do to humans. LOL

Imagen is someone else told you have learn too much and you can't learn further without a heart attack.......  will accept that reasoning?


Stix avatar
Stix 2014年10月07日

I feel sleep is the answer... It allows the brain to process the information, thus giving a clean page to start again. :) :)

isomere avatar
isomere 2014年10月08日

Trés bon article, tout est dit.


How to Stay Mentally Focused While Trading

Live trading requires a high level of situational awareness to quickly make important decisions based on the sheer amount of information available to them and as the traders also face a number of distractions while processing that information, it can be quite difficult for them to focus their attention and react timely in the markets.
Live trading also involves going from long and slow periods of inactivity to fast and dynamic cycles that require instant action and it is very important not to lo…
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Elani avatar
Elani 2014年10月07日

fxsurprise8 thanks :) nice to know your opinion

Elani avatar
Elani 2014年10月07日

Merci isomere :)

Elani avatar
Elani 2014年10月07日

JvdS87908 thanks for reading :)

iiivb avatar
iiivb 2014年10月08日

Elani : first thing to stay focused while trading is closing the Facebook page! :)

Elani avatar
Elani 2014年10月08日

iiivb )))) totally agree, Facebook distracts a lot!


Why People Tend to Lose Discipline

The main reason why people lose their discipline is that they are not able to sacrifice short-term pleasures for long-term rewards. It means our current mood, current needs and current state of mind usually exceed our intentions for longer range and there are also some factors such as boredom, fatigue, impulsivity, overconfidence, low confidence, etc. that negatively affect our ability to be fully intentional.
But what makes people lose their discipline? The answer is distractions.
The numb…
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Elani avatar
Elani 2014年10月07日

)))))))) JvdS87908 programming 'traders' )))) no, just another blog to get likes and comments

JvdS87908 avatar
JvdS87908 2014年10月07日

you right, I don't need to receive 'likes' or comments ,,,,,,,,,  only if you would like to leave any ........  have fun

Elani avatar
Elani 2014年10月07日

JvdS87908 thanks again :)

isomere avatar
isomere 2014年10月08日

Parce que je suis ambidextre :)


3 life lessons to learn from Charlie Munger

Charlie Munger is an American business magnate, investor, lawyer and philanthropist. Here are 3 simple lessons we can learn from him.
Read a lot
If you want to expand the base of your knowledge and increase the circle of your competence, you should read a lot. But it should be voracious reading to turn yourself into a lifelong self-learner and strive to become a little wiser every day. It doesn’t refer to reading only about one certain topic but about a wide range of topics. Munger reads a lot.…
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Stix avatar
Stix 2014年10月06日

Good lessons. :) :) Thanks ! :)

isomere avatar
isomere 2014年10月06日

Good article, especially the third advice...........don't hide the truth from yourself!!

Elani avatar
Elani 2014年10月07日

Stix , isomere thanks a lot :)


The Truth About Trading Psychology. Part 2

As I wrote in the last blog trading is a performance field and in any performance field people spend less time on actually performing than on practicing that performance. And unfortunately some people think that on-the-job training will be enough. But the reality shows them that their accounts aren’t always able to survive their learning curves.
There is a myth that lack of self-discipline is the main cause of failure. However, if a trader blows away his/her account it doesn’t mean that he/she i…
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isomere avatar
isomere 2014年10月06日

There's a big difference between trading on a demo account and a real account.


The Truth About Trading Psychology. Part 1

Trading is a performance arena and success is a result of using inborn abilities (talents) and acquired competencies (skills), and a perfect emotional self-control can’t on itself turn someone into a successful trader. But if that someone possesses the necessary talents and skills for success, then psychological factors become crucial, however, they cannot replace those talents and skills.
The goal of trading psychology is not just about increasing discipline and reducing emotions. Its goal is t…
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JockPippin avatar
JockPippin 2014年10月30日

Too many indicators on screen will make you lose focus .


Victor Sperandeo’s Trading Rules

Even though the book “Methods of a Wall Street Master” was written many years ago its content is timeless and worth reading as it is full of trading methods, techniques, discipline, risk management, trading psychology and much more.
The trading philosophy of Victor Sperandeo is based on capital preservation, regular profitability in trading, and the pursuit of superior returns.
His main method of trading is based on Dow Theory. He believes that if a trader knows what the trend is, and if knows a…
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fxsurprise8 avatar
fxsurprise8 2014年10月05日

tips are for waiters :)

Elani avatar
Elani 2014年10月07日

))) fxsurprise8 you have a great sense of humor )))
