Live trading requires a high level of situational awareness to quickly make important decisions based on the sheer amount of information available to them and as the traders also face a number of distractions while processing that information, it can be quite difficult for them to focus their attention and react timely in the markets.

Live trading also involves going from long and slow periods of inactivity to fast and dynamic cycles that require instant action and it is very important not to lose mental focus during those slow times in the market, stick to trading plans not to miss trading opportunities.

To stay mentally focused and to avoid information overload, traders should prioritize the elements that are critical to successful trading. Here is a conceptual scope that can help in prioritizing market focus starting from the center and expanding outward to steadily increase the awareness of market dynamics.

For staying focused on the market many traders find market alerts to be a useful feature in a trading platform that are set to activate when certain conditions in the market occur.

For staying focused it is also important to avoid distractions such as ambient noise, instant messages, incoming phone calls, during active live trading as they may cause missed opportunities or inaccurately managed trades.

It is worth to mention that proper rest and physical activity, good hydration and healthy food can all significantly contribute to maintaining focus while trading.
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