Блог Сообщества Dukascopy

Отсортировано по тагам:  Miss April

Dear Fairy, I want...

Dear Fairy, I want to be unique!
I think Miss Dukascopy has already really great brands and every girl finds something to wear from these. These all well known and established brands who we can rely on quality and design. I would suggest including aspiring designers. To organize a social media campaign to invite designers to be part of your team. That they will creat something fabulous just for the winner. Aspiring designers usually create one of a kind of masterpieces and every winner would lov…
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What are beauty pageants all about?

Hey, everyone!!!!
When I retired from representing Estonia in international beauty pageants last spring, I made this short video How to win one when you are already there. If some of the girls here ever think of competing internationally then its great place start to just bare in mind to take this video with sense of humour and don't let yourself to be intimidated my sassy intense tone in this video, we thought it will suit with this format back then
So here is a question for you guys, what do…
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driven avatar
driven 8 Апр.

Nice video. Impressed with your English.

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Hello Dear Girls!
During the contest of Miss Ducascopy, can you aprreciate not only your beauty, but the beauty of your Mind!?
Sure, you should Create more articles about Traders & Markets!
Please, don't forget that here is the Community of Traders.
We suppose, that the Real Queen & Miss Ducascopy should be а Real Trader Girl, even she will be a beginner! It's Coooool!!! )))
Accordingly to our proposal, we are glad to present video - "MAKEUP in the MOOD", dedicated to all the Girls of Ducascopy…
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With Viktoria Kapitonova Miss April @Geneva Forex Event Shiro Show

Just 26sec of this memorable show in Geneva
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