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The king of fruits - Durian. Король фруктов - Дуриан.

Good afternoon!!!
Did you ever hear about the king of fruits, which is called Durian? And about it's terrible smell? If you never experienced to smell it, then you are lucky! Currently, I'm staying in Malaysia, where durian is the main and favourite fruit of local people. I coudn't understand how!? If you feel bad just because of the smell, how can they eat it? What's the secret?
I red a lot of comments about durian from different people, and a lot of them liked this fruit, the only problem was …
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isomere avatar
isomere 3 June

article intéressant.

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 24 Aug.

Durian is really a matter of taste and probably culture too.

Personally, I don't quite care too much about that fruit, but, and as a matter of course, most of my family members and friends love the fruit.
My British-Malaysian mixed niece, her Scottish husband, and their young son love the fruit...including the smell which might be repulsive to some, but lovely to durian lovers. you are in my country;yah! ....Selamat datang and hope you enjoy your stay here :))

papos avatar
papos 27 Feb.

I love that fruit! had great ones in Sri Lanka..

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Looking for All Malaysian Traders

Hi All Malaysian Traders,
Feel free to contact me, would like to establish and form a group of Dukascopy Traders in Malaysia.
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mubarak996 avatar
mubarak996 27 Aug.

salam semua.
boleh share pengalaman trade dengan broker dukas tak?

rezmy avatar
rezmy 4 Mar.

Tiada yang mustahil jika rajin berusaha
Segalanya bermula dari 0..

firdaus9 avatar
firdaus9 9 Mar.

Tahniah Tuan

HaswardiFX avatar
HaswardiFX 22 Aug.

Assalamualaikum & Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha

firdaus9 avatar
firdaus9 26 Oct.

Lama tak jenguk sini..apa khabar semua?

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